Seven years after the start of the titanic construction site, the Château de Vigny is beginning to regain its splendour

The rescue had taken on the appearance of an impossible mission. And yet, there is no doubt: it is moving forward. The Château de Vigny (Val-d’Oise) even offers a dream setting for an exceptional music concert with two internationally renowned violinists this Friday evening. A celebration that aims to prove that the life of this monument is far from over, despite the scale of the task. “After all these years of construction, seven years already, we wanted to mark the end of a phase,” explains the owner of the site, Fabrice Levesque. “It is also a way of paying tribute to the craftsmen who worked so hard.”

The façade of the castle, which looks like it came straight out of a fairy tale, now looks very proud after being entirely under scaffolding for two years. However, there is still a long way to go before the site can truly be reborn. “It’s a dream setting that gives me nightmares!” jokes Fabrice Levesque. “But I have no regrets.”

By Editor

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