Morelia Book and Reading Fair to Honor Historic Friendship Between Cuba and Mexico

With Cuba as the guest country and the central tribute dedicated to the writer Alejo Carpentier, the third edition of the Morelia International Book and Reading Fair will be held from September 20 to 30.

Fátima Chávez, head of the Morelia Department of Culture, reported yesterday at a press conference that the fair is the only one in Mexico organized by a municipality that has an international character.

The official commented that the book party It will feature 190 cultural activities and 120 publishing houses, of which 90 are national and the rest local.

In her speech, Norma Rodríguez, Cultural Counselor of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico, announced that her country’s delegation includes prominent writers Jesús Lozada Guevara, Josúe Pérez Rodríguez, director of the general program of the Havana International Book Fair (FILH); Armando Raggi, Aida Bahr, and Reynaldo García Blanco. Compatriots residing in Michoacán will also participate.

He added that among the 15 activities of his country’s program as a guest, there will be Cuban music with singers and authors Alejandro García Villalón, man, and Lorenzo Cisneros, Topknot, one of the founders of the new Cuban trova.

He added that titles by Carpentier, whose 120th birthday is being celebrated, will be presented, such as The harassment y The resource of the method, and the importance of Cuban and French authors and their ties to Mexico will be reviewed; there will also be poetry and other editorial launches, and a special presentation of FILH 2025.

He referred to the history of ties between the nations. “The relationship is so intense, so fluid with Cuban artists, that they are constantly happening. Two very powerful cultures, united by history and by the Cubans’ love for Mexican music and literature, for Mexican graphics.

In the 1950s, Carpentier said at a conference in Caracas that in Mexico, through his rich dialogues with Diego Rivera, he had begun to get to know the American soul, to conceive of what is known as the American marvelous reality, which gave so much fruit to Carpenter’s work.

In short, he said that there are 188 publishing houses in Cuba, that 3,000 titles were published last year, that children’s literature will be present at the fair and that they will have a wide range of Cuban bolero, danzón and folklore recordings from his country.

Topknot held: It is a blessing for Cuba to foster this historic friendship that it has had with Mexico since Martí and Heredia, and many intellectuals who have made it possible for love and tenderness of letters to exist between the two countries..

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