What to eat and avoid when having a migraine?

Foods rich in magnesium, vitamin B2, antioxidants such as green leafy vegetables, eggs, poultry support energy production, soothe migraine headaches.

Migraine (vascular headache) is a condition of blood vessel constriction in the head, temples and skull, causing headaches.

Dr. Nguyen Phuong Trang, a neurologist at Tam Anh General Clinic in District 7, Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, said that in addition to treatment and rest, nutrition plays an important role in helping to improve symptoms. Nutrition affects the body’s ability to produce neurotransmitters, reducing inflammation. Thereby, they help soothe and prevent headaches from starting or getting worse.

Foods can affect blood vessel dilation. Excessive consumption of foods containing nitrates can cause blood vessels to dilate, making headaches worse. Conversely, choosing foods that are good for the blood vessels and brain can help control blood vessel dilation, thereby improving the condition.

Foods rich in magnesium Helps reduce headaches and migraines. Patients should add magnesium-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, avocado, tuna… to their daily diet.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) has the ability to support brain function and relax blood vessels, reducing headaches. Patients can also supplement natural vitamin B2 from healthy foods such as milk and dairy products, eggs, poultry, fish, green leafy vegetables…

Foods rich in coenzyme Q10 has the ability to support energy production in cells, reducing the frequency of headaches. Foods rich in coenzyme Q10 include red meat, fish, vegetable oils, chestnuts, flax seeds…

Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, supporting brain health and improving migraine symptoms. Fatty fish, oysters, fish eggs, whole grains and nuts… are rich in omega-3.

Foods rich in antioxidants such as strawberries, green leafy vegetables, walnuts… help protect brain cells from harmful agents, control inflammation, and limit headache outbreaks. Essences from blueberries and ginkgo biloba help inhibit free radicals, increase blood flow to the brain, and improve headaches and insomnia.

Dr. Trang said that people with migraine headaches should avoid or limit processed meats such as cold cuts, canned fish, sausages, fried chicken, instant noodles, etc. This group of foods is low in nutrients, high in empty calories and contains compounds that can cause inflammation. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages are agents that cause the immune system to release inflammatory compounds, leading to headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

Foods containing many additives such as sweeteners, MSG, refined sugar… have a negative impact on overall health and the brain. Foods containing tyramine in cheese, pickles, pickles, smoked meat… increase the risk of dilation of blood vessels, causing headaches and dizziness. Drinks containing caffeine can help you stay awake and reduce migraine symptoms. However, if consumed in large amounts, caffeine can easily stimulate, making headaches more severe.

People with headaches should limit foods rich in histamine, nitrates, monosodium glutamate and some other food groups. Because they negatively affect the ability to absorb nutrients, stimulate inflammation, and affect blood vessel dilation.

Dr. Trang recommends that patients should consult a doctor or nutritionist specifically about food groups to limit or avoid during and after treatment. In cases of frequent headaches that affect health, intensive treatment with a doctor is required. Currently, Tam Anh Hospital uses modern transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques, electromagnetic waves pass through the brain box, activating the function of the corresponding brain area, contributing to effective migraine treatment.

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