26-year-old girl has not had menstruation due to genetic disorder

The 26-year-old girl had no period. When she was hospitalized due to abdominal pain, the doctor discovered she had Turner syndrome – a genetic disorder related to chromosomes.

At Phuong Dong General Hospital, she was diagnosed with ovarian germ cell cancer in the right ovary, which had not metastasized. The tumor was large, hard, and invaded several other parts of the body.

On September 24, Dr. Han Van Ba, Deputy Director of the hospital, who directly treated the patient, said that the biopsy results showed that the patient had dysgerminoma with Turner syndrome, manifesting as primary amenorrhea. The doctors consulted and performed surgery to remove the entire uterus and adnexa.

Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder involving the sex chromosomes, in which there is only one X chromosome (46, XO). The disease affects female development, occurring in about 1 in 2,000 to 2,500 live births of girls. More than 99% of fetuses with Turner syndrome are miscarried or stillborn, meaning they die before birth. People with this syndrome often have many symptoms such as short stature, swollen body parts such as hands and feet, wide breasts and nipples, low-set ears, and may lack the ability to reproduce.

Doctors operate on patients. Photo: Hospital provided

Doctors recommend that Turner syndrome should be detected early and surgery should be performed to prevent malignancy. Women who reach puberty and experience amenorrhea, underdeveloped breasts or pubic hair should be examined immediately. About 70-75% of ovarian cancer cases are diagnosed at a late stage, when the disease has spread to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and other organs, making treatment difficult.

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