Dr. David Vu, a scientist with 28 patents in the US, said nanotechnology is increasingly being applied in medicine, especially in delivering drugs to cancer cells to destroy them.

“The pill is coated with polymer on the outside, and the core contains medicine and nano-sized substances that help the pill move to cancer cells,” said Dr. David Vu at a scientific conference organized by the Faculty of Medicine, Van Lang University on September 24.

Nano-sized substances – very small in size, capable of penetrating cell membranes in the human body, helping the pill attach to cancer cells. Then, the pill will break under the influence of light or radiation, delivering the drug to destroy cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy cells. This technology helps doctors use less drugs, targeting cancer cells, both increasing treatment effectiveness and reducing side effects on the patient’s body.

Dr. David Vu interacted with lecturers and students on September 24. Photo: Van Lang University

According to Dr. Vu, when in nano form, the material changes its physical and chemical properties, which is meaningful in treating many diseases and helping diagnose diseases with nano chips or probes, detecting early damage to the body. Nanoknife completely removes tumors without affecting surrounding tissues. Some nanorobots also support disease treatment very effectively.

In some diseases, such as the colon, nanotechnology with very small but highly active particles delivers drugs to a large effect in this area without being absorbed when passing through the stomach. In many types of bone and joint diseases, nano helps increase the effectiveness of drugs and reduce unwanted reactions.

Nanotechnology has been developed in many places around the world since the early 2000s, and is now widely applied in many fields such as agriculture, mechanics, medicine, food… Currently, biological products applying nanotechnology replace pesticides and chemical fertilizers, avoiding effects on human health, limiting soil and water pollution…

David Vu, 56 years old, PhD in chemical engineering materials, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. He has 28 patents granted in the US, including 4 patents from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), applied to solve many difficult problems in the fields of medicine, agriculture, etc. Dr. David Vu was granted a patent for using nanotechnology to manufacture cancer drugs. He is also the first person in the world to create chitosan nano membranes with crosslinking. This is the first study to create starch acetate nanofibers with a size smaller than 40 nanometers.

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