Green leafy vegetables, bell peppers, and peas provide vitamins and minerals such as potassium, which contribute to balancing blood pressure and protecting overall health.
This type of cabbage is rich in vitamins A, C and K, fiber, and antioxidants. It also contains small amounts of folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals – factors that lead to oxidative stress. Eating a lot of watercress reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Asparagus adds folate, vitamins A, B, K, good for people with high blood pressure. This food contributes to weight control, strengthens the immune system, and reduces cholesterol levels. This vitamin K is very important for blood clotting. Asparagus also helps the body absorb calcium to help keep bones strong. Prepare asparagus by boiling or stir-frying, do not cook for too long because it can reduce health-beneficial nutrients.
Vitamins C, A and K, calcium, and manganese in spinach have strong antioxidant effects, helping to control malignant cells in the body, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Vitamin K, calcium good for bones and teeth. Add this vegetable to your daily diet by mixing it into smoothies, making casseroles, and scrambled eggs.
This vegetable contains a lot of beta-carotene and vitamins C and K, which contribute to improving bone health. Low in calories, high in fiber and high in protein, kale aids weight loss. Vegetables also contain lots of omega-3 acids that are good for the heart. You can use this food in rolls, salads, juices, and smoothies.
100 g of peas has 7.2 g of fiber, which contributes to increasing the feeling of fullness, is good for digestion, and reduces cholesterol levels. Peas have a rich source of fiber, contributing to slowing down the absorption of sugar and fat, increasing insulin secretion, and stabilizing blood sugar.
Red bell pepper
Bell peppers provide vitamins A, B, C, E that are good for the eyes. Several types of antioxidant compounds in red bell peppers fight free radicals. Vitamin E plays an important role in keeping skin and hair healthy.
Broccoli provides a lot of vitamins C, K, fiber, antioxidants, contributing to a healthy intestine and enhancing the function of the digestive system. Many nutrients in this vegetable support healthy bones, which can prevent bone-related disorders. Families can stir-fry broccoli and add it to smoothies with fruit.