Psoriasis – a non-contagious disease that cannot be cured

Psoriasis seriously affects the skin, causing many people to be stigmatized and having severe psychological effects, when in fact the disease is not contagious.

“Psoriasis is not only a skin disease but also a challenging psychological and social journey that millions of people around the world with this disease are facing,” Dr. Nguyen Thi Phan Thuy, Director Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital, speaking at a discussion on World Psoriasis Day organized by the hospital, October 27.

Each year, the hospital receives more than 52,000 patients for psoriasis examination. This is a chronic, non-contagious inflammatory skin disease. However, its effects on patients are often more serious than other chronic diseases because the damage is present right on the skin. This causes severe psychological effects.

Patients not only suffer from the damage from the disease but also face a lot of discrimination and ignorance from those around them. Therefore, patients are susceptible to shame, lack of confidence, low self-worth, sometimes social isolation, discrimination, reduced opportunities at work, social exchanges, and difficulty in daily life… In many severe cases, it can even cause depression and suicidal thoughts.

Meanwhile, these psychological problems return to worsen psoriasis, making the disease more difficult to control. This creates a spiral, making the patient increasingly depressed. The disease can also affect other health problems, including cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic disorders associated with psoriasis such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and atherosclerosis.

According to MSc. Pham Thi Uyen Nhi, Deputy Head of General Planning Department, Dermatology Hospital, psoriasis cannot be completely cured, but if treated early and properly, patients can still have a normal life. often. Currently, medicine has 4 groups of treatment methods, including topical medications, whole body light therapy, oral medications, and biological medications.

Among them, biological drugs are the newest treatment method today, more targeted with high safety and effectiveness. This therapy helps patients live a life almost like a normal person, but the cost is high. After deducting health insurance, patients often pay more than 9 million VND a month.

“Many people listen to advertisements to completely cure psoriasis and arbitrarily buy and use it, leading to very serious complications,” said Dr. Nhi. Most of these drugs contain anti-inflammatory ingredients such as corticosteroids, so when first used, the skin will be smooth, making patients trust and continue to use them. When the drug is stopped, the disease progresses to red skin, scaly skin all over the body, possibly accompanied by pustules, swelling and pain in the joints of the arms and legs, causing deformity and seriously affecting health.

Therefore, patients need to comply with follow-up examinations and treatment according to the dermatologist’s instructions. In addition, to control the disease well, it is necessary to follow a diet low in saturated fat, focusing on whole grain products, vegetables, fruits and fish. Exercise regularly to maintain a moderate weight to reduce the severity of psoriasis and limit the risk of related diseases.

The exact cause of psoriasis is still unknown. Scientists believe that the disease is the result of the interaction between three factors: environment – genetics – immunity. Environmental factors that play a role in initiating or aggravating a patient’s psoriasis include stress, skin damage, infections, certain medications, smoking, drinking alcohol…

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