Allergic rhinitis is a condition in which the nose is irritated and inflamed not by viruses or bacteria but by environmental agents such as pollen, animal dander, caterpillar fur, moths, dust, and house mites. Common symptoms are itching, runny nose, runny nose, continuous sneezing, red and itchy eyes, watery eyes…

Stress is not a trigger for allergies but can aggravate the condition. When stressed, the body increases the secretion of the hormone cortisol. If stress is prolonged, increased cortisol secretion can easily lead to a weakened immune system, making the body more sensitive to allergens, thereby exacerbating symptoms of allergic rhinitis. In addition to cortisol, the body also releases histamine when stressed. High histamine levels in the blood also make allergies worse.


Doctor Trung Nguyen performed an endoscopy on the patient’s nose. Illustration photo: Tam Anh General Hospital

Prolonged stress also promotes an increased inflammatory response, making allergic rhinitis symptoms more severe, prolonged and difficult to control. People with allergic rhinitis are also susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections if stressed frequently and continuously.

The relationship between stress and allergies goes both ways. Stress makes allergic rhinitis worse, and severe allergic rhinitis symptoms make people more stressed. Stress increases the body’s inflammatory response and sensitivity to allergens, weakens the immune system, and worsens allergic rhinitis.

You can control allergic rhinitis by managing stress and taking good care of your health. Some exercises such as meditation, yoga, walking promote the body to release endorphins – a natural “happy” hormone, contributing to reducing stress. Getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) every night, eating healthy, and avoiding irritants are also beneficial for mental health.

If symptoms of allergic rhinitis persist, you need to see an ENT doctor for examination, do not arbitrarily buy medication. Because allergic rhinitis is not treated properly, it can last longer and become more severe, causing complications such as acute – chronic sinusitis and sinus polyps. At this time, treatment will be expensive and quality of life will decline.

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