LEDs (Light Emitting Diode) are diodes – semiconductors that allow electricity to pass through, emitting light with a narrow wavelength spectrum, low energy peak, and do not harm the skin. LED lights can produce a variety of light with different wavelengths of 247-1,300 nm (nanometers). Each wavelength has different receptors and affects different tissues in the body. Commonly used wavelengths are blue, green, red… LED lights can be combined with many wavelengths to treat skin problems.
Regarding the mechanism of action on the skin, LED lights can naturally trigger biochemical reactions inside cells thanks to light. LED light affects the skin thanks to the photons it emits and is absorbed by a chromophore – a special biological component of the body that has the ability to preferentially “capture” a certain color of light. Under the influence of LED lights, cells change at the molecular level, then at the cellular level. Changes at the cellular level cause reactions at the systemic and body levels (including inflammatory response, pain response, cell damage, immune system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system…). This device generates virtually no heat, so there is no risk of tissue damage.
LED applications can be divided based on wavelengths or combinations of wavelengths. In beauty, LED light therapy increases collagen synthesis and reduces MMP (Matrix metalloproteinase) – a family of enzymes. Specifically, red light affects the formation and development of fibroblasts, helping to produce collagen. Thanks to that, the skin becomes firmer, more elastic, fresher and more youthful.
By stimulating skin resistance to damage caused by UVA and UVB rays, LED lights also help reduce pigmentation caused by sunburn. This device also helps treat inflammatory skin problems through reducing IL-6 (an inflammatory cytokine).
LED lights also aid in treating acne. Bacteria in acne produce porphyrin (a protein) with high photosensitivity. When exposed to LED light, porphyrin absorbs blue light, creating free radicals that kill these bacteria. The red light in LED lights helps reduce inflammation caused by acne. It also helps reduce activity in sebaceous glands, limiting clogged pores and reducing the appearance of new acne.
In addition to beauty, LED lights also support wound healing, anti-inflammation, pain relief… This therapy is safe, does not generate heat, is non-toxic, is non-invasive and up to now there have been no recorded side effects. any in the literature. However, people with epilepsy and photophobia should be careful when using it.
If you want to beautify yourself with LED lights, you should go to a Dermatologist – Skin Aesthetician to have your skin condition checked and to prescribe appropriate and highly effective treatment methods and procedures.