Varicocele is a disease that affects many aspects of men’s lives, requiring changes in diet and living habits to alleviate symptoms.

Doctor II Nguyen Van Phuc, Department of Andrology, Central Military Hospital 108, said varicocele is a common disease in men, especially those of reproductive age. This is a condition in which the veins in the scrotum (sac containing the testicles) are dilated and twisted, hindering blood circulation from the testicles back to the body, increasing the temperature in the scrotum and affecting fertility. Treatment of varicocele does not stop at medical methods but also requires care from small changes in daily lifestyle.

When suffering from varicocele, maintaining a healthy diet and good habits helps improve blood circulation, reduce pressure on varicose veins, and enhance the body’s overall health. This not only helps reduce unpleasant symptoms but also increases the likelihood of recovery after treatment and limits the risk of relapse.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight can put pressure on the venous system and make varicocele worse. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise is essential.

Exercise regularly

Gentle, regular physical activity helps increase blood circulation and improve vein health. Some good exercises for people with varicocele include walking, swimming, yoga and cycling. However, you should avoid heavy exercises or excessive gym workouts, especially movements that put pressure on the abdomen and scrotum.

Avoid sitting or standing for too long

Sitting or standing for too long can cause blood to stagnate in the scrotum, causing the veins to become more tense and dilated. If your job requires a lot of sitting, try standing up, walking around or doing short stretching exercises every 30-60 minutes.

Do not use stimulants

Tobacco and alcohol are harmful stimulants, increasing the risk of inflammation and negatively affecting the function of the circulatory system. People with varicocele should stay away from tobacco and limit alcohol consumption.

Keep your spirit at ease

Stress and tension can increase pressure in the body, affecting blood circulation and making symptoms worse. You can apply relaxation methods such as meditation, yoga, reading books or participating in recreational activities to keep your mind relaxed and improve your overall health.

Healthy diet

Besides changing living habits, men also need to pay attention to their diet, such as eating lots of fiber-rich foods. Fiber helps improve the digestive system, preventing constipation – a factor that can put pressure on the scrotum and aggravate varicocele. Foods rich in fiber such as green leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, broccoli; fruits like apples, pears, and bananas.

Supplement foods rich in antioxidants because they have the ability to reduce inflammation and protect vein cells from damage. Foods rich in antioxidants such as brightly colored fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, oranges, and tangerines; vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers; nuts like almonds, walnuts and chia seeds.

Limit foods with saturated fat and sugar because they can increase cholesterol and cause inflammation, affecting blood circulation and making varicocele symptoms worse. Limit foods containing saturated fat such as red meat, fast food, pastries and sugary drinks.

Additionally, water is important in maintaining blood fluidity and helps reduce the risk of constipation. People with varicocele should maintain drinking about 2-3 liters of water per day to support the circulatory system and improve vein function.

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