Are boiled or steamed vegetables healthier?

Boiling vegetables can lose water-soluble nutrients, while steaming retains more vitamins and plant compounds.

Vegetables are one of the healthiest foods. Because they contain many plant compounds, fiber, vitamins and minerals, vegetables provide many benefits, from supporting weight to reducing the risk of common diseases such as heart disease and some types of cancer.

Are boiled or steamed vegetables healthier?

Steaming is a method of cooking food using hot steam. Research shows that steamed vegetables have higher levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene and flavonoid antioxidants than boiled vegetables.

Boiling completely submerges vegetables in water, causing water-soluble nutrients to be lost, reducing some nutrients and phytochemicals like vitamin C and beta-carotene. Steaming vegetables still loses vitamin C, but less than boiling.

Analyzes also show that cooking methods at high temperatures and in water for too long, such as boiling, are the most detrimental to the nutritional content of vegetables. Steaming does not submerge the vegetables in water, so there is less loss of nutrients.

Boiled vegetables are often softer and mushy than steamed vegetables, which are crispier. Steamed vegetables also have bright colors and retain more flavor than boiled vegetables.

But depending on personal preference, some people like the taste and feel of boiled vegetables, and soft boiled vegetables may be easier to eat for people who have problems chewing and swallowing.


Boiled water spinach. Image: Bui Thuy

Steaming vegetables helps retain maximum nutrients

Steaming is one of the best ways to retain the nutrients and flavor of vegetables, but it’s important not to steam them too long or too quickly.

Recommended steaming times for some common vegetables: broccoli: 5 minutes; cauliflower: 5-6 minutes; Brussels sprouts: 8-10 minutes; spinach: 3 minutes; small potatoes: 15-20 minutes; asparagus: 4-6 minutes.

When steaming vegetables, you can check for doneness with a fork or toothpick throughout the cooking process to ensure the vegetables are cooked to your liking.

Steps to steam vegetables with a steamer basket: Pour 2.5-5 cm of water into the bottom of the pot; boil water; Place the steamer basket on top of the pot; Put the prepared vegetables into the steamer basket; Cover the steamer and reduce the heat to medium; Steam the vegetables, checking every few minutes until the vegetables are cooked to your liking.

Some other tips when preparing vegetables

Season vegetables with fresh herbs, spices and lemon juice to reduce salt; adding fat to vegetables to increase the bioavailability of some phytochemicals; Combine vegetables with a protein source like fish, chicken or beans for a snack or full meal.

Experiment with different cooking methods to discover your favorite way to prepare vegetables. Find cooking methods that work with frozen vegetables so you can make healthier choices when fresh vegetables aren’t available.

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