Can you eat durian if you have high blood fat?

High blood fat is a condition of increased bad cholesterol (LDL) or triglycerides in the body, leading to risk of blood vessel blockage, atherosclerosis, fatty liver… Diseases related to habits. eating and living habits such as eating a lot of animal fat, offal, foods high in sugar, starch, fatty milk, ice cream, sweet drinks, and being sedentary.

Durian has high nutritional content and does not contain cholesterol. However, the starch and sugar content in this fruit is high, and the total amount of carbohydrates is large. Eating a lot of durian at once can cause a spike in blood sugar. People with high blood fat eat a lot of durian for a long time, leading to overweight, obesity, and difficulty controlling blood fat.

You have high blood fat, the severity of the disease is unknown. However, if you love durian, you should only eat it in moderation, about one small piece per month to ensure your health. Instead, you should add a variety of other less sweet fruits to your diet to provide many necessary nutrients for your body. People with other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and high blood pressure also need to consult a doctor before eating durian, because eating too much can make the disease worse.

You need to see a doctor for examination to monitor high blood fat, treatment (if necessary) combined with lifestyle adjustments by exercising and eating scientifically. Supplementing natural essence containing natural ingredient GDL-5 (Policosanol) – extracted from South American sugarcane pollen has the ability to regulate the activity of HMG-CoA reductase enzyme and increase cell Receptor activation. From there, patients can reduce total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, limit the risk and improve atherosclerosis and fatty liver.

Below is the nutritional content table of 100 durian rice according to the USDA National Nutrient Database (USA) for standard reference, version number 27.

Nutrients Content
Calories 147 kcal
Total fat 5.33 g (mostly monounsaturated fat)
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium (low) 2.000 mg
Total carbohydrates 27,09 g
Fiber 3,8 g
Protein 1,47 g
Vitamin C 19.700 mg
Iron 0,430 mg
Vitamin A 2 µg
Calcium 6.000 mg

Doctor Tran Thi Tra Phuon

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