What happens to women when they eat dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit contains many antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects, help women prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer, and provide skin with moisturizing water.

There are many types of dragon fruit including white, yellow and red flesh. This fruit provides fiber, large amounts of minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus. Dragon fruit is not only delicious but also brings many different health benefits to women.

Helps lose weight

Estrogen hormone levels decrease, metabolism slows down, making menopausal women easily gain weight. Dragon fruit is low in calories and low in carbohydrates, suitable for weight loss diets. This fruit is also rich in fiber, increasing the feeling of fullness and reducing overeating during meals. Betacyanin is a plant compound in dragon fruit that helps maintain stable blood lipids, reduce insulin resistance and the risk of fatty liver.

Moisturizes the skin

About 80% of the ingredients in dragon fruit are water. High water content hydrates the skin, making it look plump. Different vitamins and minerals, typically vitamin E, in this fruit nourish the skin, enhance overall health, and prevent dry skin that leads to rapid aging.

Good for the intestines

Dragon fruit contains prebiotics (soluble fiber) that nourish intestinal bacteria. When good bacteria feed on prebiotics, they produce short-chain fatty acids that benefit the gut microbiome. Maintaining a healthy intestine improves metabolism, provides energy to colon cells, produces necessary mucus, and helps reduce inflammation. Thanks to that, the immune system also works better.

Reduce cholesterol

Dragon fruit is low in cholesterol, trans fat and saturated fat. Adding this fruit to your diet promotes maintaining heart health. Dragon fruit seeds have small amounts of omega 3, omega 6 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats that are essential for overall health. These are good fats for the body because they help reduce cholesterol.

Increase fiber intake

Dragon fruit is a rich source of fiber, which helps nourish the intestinal microflora. Fiber is especially important for women going through menopause. It nourishes the body, contributing to maintaining better hormonal balance. Fiber also controls appetite, regulates blood sugar, and reduces the risk of diabetes.

Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants in dragon fruit help women reduce oxidative stress that occurs due to aging, environmental pollution or drinking too much alcohol. Vitamins A and C are two nutrients with strong antioxidant properties that help neutralize harmful free radicals at the cellular level. Over time, they contribute to the prevention of diseases related to inflammation and oxidation such as cancer.

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