Liver cancer is a condition in which liver cells develop abnormally, forming malignant tumors, hindering the normal functioning of this organ. The disease occurs when liver cells have changes (mutations) in their DNA. Sometimes, liver malignancies develop from another disease such as chronic hepatitis.
Alcohol and beer have a negative impact on many organs in the body such as the brain, liver, kidneys, stomach…, of which the liver is most affected. The liver simultaneously performs many important functions such as eliminating toxins, producing bile, storing vitamins and minerals, metabolizing substances, synthesizing blood clotting factors, albumin… This organ has a system The enzyme is responsible for converting alcohol in wine and beer into CO2 and water, thereby eliminating it from the body.
Oncology doctors advise patients. Illustration photo: Tam Anh General Hospital
Drinking too much alcohol or beer for a long time causes the liver to be overloaded, no longer able to function effectively, and susceptible to damage. From there, scar tissue forms in the liver, developing into fatty liver, leading to hepatitis, cirrhosis and finally liver cancer.
To reduce the risk of liver cancer, you should reduce or preferably not drink alcohol and beer. If you have hepatitis C – a high risk factor for liver cancer, you should have regular health checks and regular screening with abdominal ultrasound at least every 6 months. Detecting cancer early helps increase the chance of cure. You should also maintain healthy living habits and positive thinking to help prevent and reduce the risk of liver cancer.
When liver cancer is suspected, the doctor prescribes additional clinical tests to confirm the diagnosis such as blood tests (AFP, AFP-L3, PIVKA-II…), abdominal computed tomography, abdominal magnetic resonance imaging, liver biopsy.