Gym training is an activity to train and develop muscles that brings many benefits to physical and mental health, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and keeps you in good shape. Regular exercise along with a reasonable diet helps improve health, increase testosterone hormone levels, and improve physiology. Some men want to have strong muscles, but overtraining or using muscle-enhancing drugs (exogenous testosterone, steroids) can be harmful to their health.

Reproductive Support Center, Tam Anh General Hospital, once received cases of regular, high-intensity gym workouts, muscular bodies but difficulty having children due to testicular atrophy and reduced sperm rate. The cause was determined because the patient used testosterone for a long time hoping to have beautiful muscles.

Injecting too much exogenous testosterone will cause excess testosterone in the body. If this condition persists, the pituitary gland no longer directs the body to produce testosterone, leading to a decrease in physiological hormone levels in the blood, leading to a series of other problems, including testicular atrophy and a smaller penis. . Steroids are addictive substances. When you stop using them, they cause fatigue, loss of appetite, and drowsiness. Long-term use can cause many dangerous effects.

In addition, exercising with excessive intensity or improper technique can cause damage and inflammation to the testicles, leading to testicular atrophy, reducing the ability to produce sperm and the hormone testosterone, affecting reproductive health. and sex.


IVF doctor Tam Anh advises patients. Illustration photo: Tam Anh General Hospital

When exercising, listen to your body and do it at a reasonable level, appropriate to your health condition. Some good exercises for men are weightlifting, jogging, squatting… Provide adequate nutrition for the body, drink enough water before and after training, especially supplement with plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Helps muscles develop comprehensively. Do not arbitrarily use muscle stimulation products containing steroids or exogenous testosterone.

Sex is an activity that consumes a lot of energy, so it should be avoided before and after heavy workouts because the body needs a suitable amount of rest to recover.

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