Eating tips to help you sleep well

Eat some whole grain bread, enjoy a light meal to avoid being hungry when you go to sleep, limit high-fat foods, and contribute to good, deep sleep.

Food choices, eating habits, and the time at which dinner ends all impact sleep quality in a negative or positive way. Below are some tips that people with difficulty sleeping and insomnia can try to sleep better.

Eat some carbs

Foods rich in carbohydrates (carbs) help with sleep. Because starch has a high glycemic index, it helps promote the production of tryptophan in the body, helping to sleep easier. Some good foods rich in carbs are barley, white rice, nuts, whole grain bread… Note that you should only eat small amounts of starch at dinner, 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Have a snack before going to bed

Hunger can cause difficulty sleeping and insomnia. A simple snack helps promote deep sleep. Drinking a little milk is also good for the digestive system. You should choose foods that are easy to digest such as apples, nuts, etc., and avoid overeating because it can easily put pressure on the digestive system.


Snack on a cup of yogurt before bed to stabilize digestion. Image: Bui Thuy

Limit foods high in fat

People who regularly eat fatty foods such as fried chicken, deep-fried dishes, French fries, and fast food easily gain weight and tend to have disrupted sleep. These foods affect the digestive process, cause increased blood sugar, and cause poor sleep quality.

Note the hidden caffeine content

Not only coffee, caffeine is also found in many other drinks such as chocolate, tea, carbonated soft drinks, and energy drinks. Carefully reading the ingredients of foods and drinks before consuming helps eliminate caffeine from 4pm onwards. Some pain relievers, weight loss pills, and diuretics may also contain some caffeine. People with insomnia should check drug information before use.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol can help you fall asleep quickly but can easily cause waking up in the middle of the night, restlessness, headaches, night sweats, and nightmares. It is best to avoid drinking alcohol 4-6 hours before bedtime. If you must drink, stop at just one glass and drink water to dilute and reduce the effects of alcohol. Don’t drink too much water because you have to wake up many times to go to the bathroom, causing insomnia.

Limit spicy foods

Mustard and dishes rich in chili and pepper cause stomach discomfort and the digestive system slows down during sleep. Foods can also lead to gastric reflux, heartburn, and intestinal rumbling.

By Editor

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