Benjamin Netanyahu’s prostate surgery: this is what the recovery from the medical procedure looks like

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last week underwent advanced prostate surgery using the Holap method (HoLEP), which is considered one of the most innovative methods for treating benign prostate enlargement. The surgery is performed using a precise laser beam that allows removing obstructing tissues from the urinary tract without making external cuts. However, the surgery involves significant damage to the internal tissues in the area of ​​the urethra and prostate.

Despite the doctors’ recommendations to avoid exertion and rest for at least two weeks after the surgery, Netanyahu returned to work within a few days, and was seen in great pain during a vote in the Knesset and in the corridors of the Prime Minister’s Office. According to the members of the coalition, his doctors required him to move around in a wheelchair, due to the fear of injury to the scabs on the penis and the intense pain from friction with underwear, a diaper or a catheter, but he insisted on walking and seemed to be in a lot of pain.

The course of the surgery includes complex stages and requires great precision. In the first stage, a tube is inserted through the urethra, through which tiny surgical tools and a camera are passed. The tube is inserted through the urinary opening in the penis, an operation that may cause initial discomfort and local inflammation. Then, a laser beam is used to remove the obstructing tissue in the prostate.

prostate gland. On the left – in a healthy state, in the middle with an infection, and on the right an enlarged gland (photo: Shutterstock)

The precise cuts are made in the sensitive tissues inside the prostate, avoiding damage to central blood vessels. During the operation, substances are used to expand the urethra and improve access to the prostate area, which can cause mechanical pressure on the penis. At the end of the operation, tiny stitches may be made in the area of ​​the internal urethra, if there is significant damage to the tissue or if it is necessary to stop internal bleeding. The whole process leaves the area extremely damaged and sensitive.

The pain after the operation is caused as a direct result of the damage to the internal tissues of the penis and urethra. The recovery process includes an internal scab in the damaged tissues, which is formed as a result of cell regeneration in the prostate and urethra area. During the first weeks, cell regeneration may cause a strong burning sensation, sharp pains and discomfort when urinating.

On top of that, the local inflammation following the surgical operation can cause swelling in the penis and prolonged pain. Excessive physical effort or activity that is not adapted to the recovery period may lead to renewed tears in the damaged tissues and delay the healing process.

Netanyahu, who chose to return to work a few days after the surgery, jeopardized his recovery process. Strenuous activity and stress may cause the pain to worsen and damage the normal healing of the tissues. The immune system, which is focused on the rehabilitation process, may weaken under physical and mental stress, which increases the risk of developing inflammation and infections. In addition, pressure on the surgical area may cause repeated bleeding, which sometimes requires additional medical intervention.

Prostate surgeries, despite being common and relatively safe, require adherence to the doctors’ instructions to rest and avoid exertion. Netanyahu’s quick return to work may in some cases cause medical complications and significant damage to the penis and the results of the surgery.

By Editor

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