Fresh or cooked tomato – which is healthier?
In shashuka or salad – tomato is an important part of many kitchens in Israel and around the world. Its dominant taste upgrades any sauce or stew, and if you consider the health aspect – then it is a real treasure.If you are debating between a fresh tomato and a cooked tomato, it is important that you know that each form of eating the tomato has advantages and disadvantages. Let’s talk about them for a moment.


vitamins and minerals


Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins in a tomato, but it is sensitive to heat, so during cooking some of it breaks down. A higher amount of vitamin C is preserved in a fresh tomato, which contributes to strengthening the immune system and preventing cell oxidation. Potassium, an essential mineral for the heart and muscles, is mostly preserved during cooking, but a small portion of it can be destroyed when cooking in water. Steaming or roasting processes reduce potassium loss. Lycopene is one of the most important and prominent antioxidants in tomato. Studies show that cooking the tomato makes lycopene more available to the body, as the heat breaks down the cell walls and releases the lycopene. This antioxidant contributes to the protection against cardiovascular diseases, and it reduces the chance of getting certain types of cancer. A cooked tomato contains a more available amount of lycopene compared to a fresh tomato.


The high acidity of the fresh tomato may cause stomach discomfort for people who are sensitive to it, such as those suffering from heartburn and reflux, whereas the cooked tomato may be easier to digest, and its acidity levels may change due to cooking. However, the scientific information on this topic is not conclusive and more studies are needed to confirm this.


The number of calories in a tomato is the same – whether it is cooked or fresh. A fresh tomato contains an average of 18 calories per 100 grams, as does a cooked tomato – as long as no oil, sugar or high-calorie spices are added.


A fresh tomato will give you lots of vitamin C | Photo: stockcreations, shutterstock


Additional tips:

  • Use homemade tomato paste (simply mash a few tomatoes) which preserves more vitamins and minerals.
  • Add a little olive oil to cook the tomatoes – it improves the absorption of lycopene in the body.
  • Avoid cooking for too long – the longer the cooking, the greater the loss of vitamins.

What is healthier in the bottom line?

It is important to know that both the cooked tomato and the fresh one have advantages, along with disadvantages. Therefore, combining both types in the daily menu is the ideal way to enjoy both vitamin C, lycopene and a variety of tastes and textures. For example, you can combine both pasta in tomato sauce and fresh tomato salad on the same day.

The writer is Ziv ZafarNi Clinical and sports dietitian

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