Player Nguyen Xuan Son has a physical condition that easily gains weight, so doctors tightened his physical therapy and calorie-controlled nutrition regimen for at least 6 months after surgery.
On January 9, MSc Nguyen Quyet Thang, Chief Technician at the Center for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Vinmec Hospital, said that two days after surgery to repair broken bones, experts have developed a plan. Detailed training plan, with clear regimens for each day, to optimize endurance, strength and recovery for Xuan Son.
Up to now, he and the doctor have performed a number of local mobility exercises such as strengthening the thigh muscles, hamstrings, adductors, and abductors; ankle exercises with resistance bands; Exercise your glutes to support pelvic stability and increase hip strength. At the same time, he practices kettlebells to maintain strength in his shoulders and biceps, to ensure upper limb mass and strength during the recovery period.
“Xuan Son’s rehabilitation roadmap lasts at least 6 months, divided into 4 stages with clear goals,” said MSc. Thang. During the first 1-2 weeks, the goal is to control pain, restore mobility, and prevent complications. This is also the decisive foundation stage for the recovery process. Son will focus on passive and active exercises, designed according to a personalized regimen.
In the first phase, Xuan Son is supported by modern equipment such as European standard cold compress system, electric stimulation machine to relieve pain, prevent muscle atrophy, exercise support robot, and muscle feedback training system. biology from Germany and professional static dynamic balance system. In the next stages, male players are directed to increase strength, improve range of motion, balance and physical preparation.
After 6 months of maximum intensity training, if he meets the standards, Son will be allowed to compete again. To return to top competition, it will take about 8 months, according to doctors.
Xuan Son practices kettlebells on his hospital bed. Image: Hospital provided
“The biggest challenge for Xuan Son is the transition from high-intensity activity to a state of injury that requires limited movement,” MSc. Thang said, adding that this not only affects the body but also the mind. , requires close coordination between specialties such as nutrition, psychology, rehabilitation, surgery, along with understanding and strict compliance with the male player’s treatment regimen.
Professor Tran Trung Dung, Director of Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal Trauma, said that to optimize results, in addition to rehabilitation exercises, Son’s daily nutrition regimen is monitored and adjusted based on individual needs and training intensity.
“Xuan Son’s physical condition is easy to gain weight, and he likes to eat banana cakes and braised fish, so he only needs to reduce the intensity of his exercise a little bit and he can increase from 90 to 100 kg,” Professor Dung explained.
For an athlete, weight gain not only affects strength but also puts pressure on joints and bones that are recovering. Xuan Son’s weight and physical condition are currently at their highest level in football. Therefore, the current goal is not to lose weight but to control weight and not lose muscle, muscle mass is still guaranteed to be maintained.
Doctors created a unique nutritional regimen for Son, much reduced than normal, with carefully calculated calories each day, providing enough energy to maintain muscle but not cause weight gain. Parameters such as weight, thigh circumference and muscle strength are monitored daily to ensure players are always in the best condition.
The doctor performed leg exercises for Xuan Son. Image: Hospital provided.
Xuan Son, Brazilian name is Rafaelson, born in 1997, naturalized Vietnamese in September 2024. He became the first naturalized player of non-Vietnamese origin to be called up to the national team since 2009. Xuan Son was injured in the ASEAN Cup final match at Rajamangala Stadium, Thailand on the evening of January 5, while passing the ball. then tried to lean forward to pass into Thailand’s penalty area.
After a successful bone fusion surgery on the evening of January 6, Xuan Son needs two months for the bones to heal after surgery and 6 months to practice. If things go well, he can return to top football in another 8 months.