Theo Vietnamese nutritional composition table100 g of chicken contains 199 kcalories, 20.3 g protein, 4.3 g fat and many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health. In 100 g of duck meat, there are 267 kcalories, 7.3 g fat, 17.8 g protein, 76 mg cholesterol, vitamins and fats. Thus, duck meat has higher nutritional content.
In Oriental medicine, duck meat has cold properties, has the effect of nourishing the kidneys, and is suitable for people with weakness, loss of appetite, and fever. Duck meat is suitable for skinny people who want to gain weight. Duck meat is also a remedy to treat erectile dysfunction in men. However, duck meat is tough, cold, and indigestible, so it is not suitable for the elderly and children. People who often suffer from bloating, indigestion, weak stomach, and poor digestion should also limit it.
Chicken meat is soft, easy to digest, less fishy, smellier and healthier. Chicken is suitable for people who want to lose weight, adds a lot of energy to the body, and is easy to prepare. This is a dish often used during meals, especially on holidays and Tet. Chicken has a warm nature and can be used to prepare nutritious dishes such as stew, porridge, soup, etc., used to nourish and improve the health of sick people.
So, depending on your needs and preferences, you choose the right type of meat. You should not only eat duck or chicken meat, but should rotate, change, and eat the full range of nutrients and other types of meat.
To prevent boredom, you can change the way you prepare food. For example, fried chicken is difficult to digest, causing overweight and obesity. It can be boiled or cooked in porridge, which is good for digestion. Boiled duck meat and bone soup are easier to digest than grilled or roasted meat… Should be eaten with green vegetables and fruits.