A wave of sore throats in Israel: a sharp increase in tests, most of the cases are viral

The winter illness is in full swing and in the shadow of an epidemic a wave of sore throats is also sweeping Israel: national data from the National Health Services obtained by “Maariv” identify a jump in the rate of referrals and tests for sore throats. Most of the cases, as in previous years, are due to viruses and not the streptococcus bacteria.

According to the data of the “Laomit” health insurance fund which was analyzed by Dr Ariel IsraelDirector of the Research Institute at Kopa, in December 2024 there was a significant increase in throat infection tests with 13,348 throat swabs performed this month, which is a 65% increase compared to November. However, only a fifth of the tests (20.9%) were positive for streptococcus A, indicating a 4.3% decrease compared to the previous month.

The comparison data for previous years reinforces the upward trend: in December 2023, there was no similar increase in the number of tests, but a moderate increase of 8.1%, but the percentage of positive tests was higher, at 24.6%. In 2022, the number of positive tests in December was even higher than this year – 2,862 compared to 2,786.

When examining the number of positive tests by week, it can be seen that the number of positive tests this year is higher than that of 2023, but lower compared to the years 2022 and 2021.

The differences between bacterial laryngitis and viral laryngitis

Sore throats can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. Bacterial strep throat, most often caused by the bacterium streptococcus A, requires antibiotic treatment to prevent complications such as rheumatic fever, which can damage the heart, joints and brain. Her symptoms include high fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and white discharge on the tonsils.

In contrast, viral sore throat is more common, especially in the winter months, and can be caused by various viruses, including those of the flu, corona or the kissing disease viruses. Its symptoms are similar to the bacterial infection, but in most cases it goes away on its own without the need for antibiotic treatment, when the treatment focuses on alleviating the symptoms only.

The corona virus can also cause sore throat, especially in the new strains that are characterized by relatively mild symptoms, such as sore throat, mild fever and runny nose. Despite this, it is not a classic sore throat, but some of the symptoms of the disease which usually also include fatigue and cough.

Diagnosing strep throat is done using a simple throat swab in the clinic. In the case of a positive result for streptococcus A, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic treatment for ten days, usually with drugs from the penicillin family such as moxifene or rapafen.

It is important to emphasize that there is no urgency to start treatment immediately, but within nine days from the onset of symptoms. For viral sore throats, the treatment is supportive only and includes pain relievers, drinking plenty of fluids, and consuming cold, soft food such as ice cream to ease the pain.

The main danger most often as a result of strep throat is dehydration, because the patient has difficulty drinking and eating. Symptoms such as dry mouth, lack of urination or sleepiness require immediate medical attention.

By Editor

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