Fish, white meat, and avocados are rich in good fats, while whole grains and onions are rich in soluble fiber that helps reduce blood lipids.
Fatty blood occurs due to an imbalance of lipids such as bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL). Fatty blood causes cholesterol to deposit in the artery walls and form atherosclerotic plaques, narrowing the artery lumen. Over time, blood flow through the arteries is affected, not carrying enough blood to other parts of the body, which can lead to myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, lower limb artery blockage…
The disease often progresses silently but has dangerous complications such as stroke, myocardial infarction… Nutritionist Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Department of Nutrition, Tam Anh General Hospital Hanoi, said in addition While physical activity and exercise are important, diet is also important to control the condition.
Fish and green vegetables are good for people with fatty blood. Illustration photo: Thanh Ba
Fish contains lots of omega-3 which can prevent the risk of coronary heart disease and reduce blood cholesterol. Vitamins and minerals found in fish such as vitamin B12 are very good for the development of red blood cells, reduce the risk of anemia, and support effective fat metabolism.
Vegetable oil
Using vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids instead of animal fats reduces blood triglyceride levels. Unsaturated fatty acids have the ability to inhibit cholesterol absorption in the intestine. From there, it reduces cholesterol, maintains blood fat balance by reducing intestinal absorption of cholesterol. Vegetable oils also contain a lot of omega-3 and omega-6, which help maintain the flexibility and stability of cell membranes, regulate inflammation, and control fat metabolism in the body.
White meats
Many types of red meat increase bad cholesterol levels because they are high in saturated fat. Patients should choose skinless poultry for healthy meals. Avoid processed meats to reduce the risk of high blood fats.
White meats such as goose meat, skinless chicken, and lean meat provide a lot of unsaturated fats such as omega-3 and omega-6, which help reduce blood fat levels accumulated in the body. Patients should not eat animal skin because it is high in saturated fat.
Bean sprouts
Vitamins and minerals contained in bean sprouts include vitamin C, calcium, and iron. This is a food that can reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. On the other hand, bean sprouts also help reduce triglycerides, preventing this substance from accumulating in the body. Antioxidants in bean sprouts contribute to protecting cells, limiting the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Cereals contain soluble fiber beta glucan, which slows down the absorption of cholesterol, thereby reducing the amount of blood fat that is harmful to the body. Cereals also help improve the immune system and avoid harmful effects from the environment. The energy from cereals is quite large, so it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount compared to the energy.
Vegetables and fruits
Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals. For example, pears contain lignin which helps eliminate cholesterol through the digestive system. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats (MUFA) that help reduce bad cholesterol in the body. Papaya is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and stabilizes blood fat. Bananas provide magnesium, potassium, natural sugar, increase resistance, reduce the risk of stroke. The pectin fiber in apples helps absorb excess cholesterol in the body and eliminate it. Green vegetables are rich in fiber and antioxidants that help reduce cholesterol and fat levels.
Using ginger every day helps reduce cholesterol accumulation in the body. Ginger also enhances intestinal activity, is good for the digestive system, and indirectly eliminates visceral fat. Ginger contains antioxidants, which protect cells from free radical damage, prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The anti-inflammatory compounds in this dish also protect the liver, reducing excess cholesterol production. Cooking ginger with food or drinking ginger tea is good for the body.
Shiitake mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms are low in calories and contain many nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants including selenium, thiamin, vitamins A, B, D that promote intestinal activity, indirectly reducing cholesterol absorption. This mushroom also helps control weight, thereby reducing pressure on the cardiovascular system and improving lipid metabolism in the blood. Wood ear mushrooms are high in fiber, protein and low in fat. The vitamins and minerals in wood ear mushrooms such as zinc, vitamin B6, folate, and manganese are good for digestion and blood vessels.
Onions provide organic sulfur compounds that reduce cholesterol levels in the body, help break down blood clots, and limit the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Eating raw onions helps the body absorb more sulfur compounds. Onions also provide good vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, B6, potassium, copper… which are beneficial for health.
The effect of allicin sulfur in garlic is to reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood in people with high blood fat. This substance also prevents blood vessel blockage and slows down the oxidation process. Every day, adults can eat 2-3 fresh garlic cloves. Allicin is easily decomposed by high temperatures, so garlic should be eaten raw or added to dishes after cooking.