Four young women were hospitalized at Beilinson with severe complications of influenza

Four women aged 22 to 50 years old were hospitalized at the Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva in serious condition due to complications of the flu.

All four patients are in a state of medicated sleep and connected to artificial respiration devices, while one of the patients is also connected to an ECMO device, which replaces the work of the heart and lungs.

It is reported that two patients had no underlying diseases, one had recently undergone childbirth, and the other had undergone surgery.

Another patient was hospitalized in the internal medicine department due to deterioration of her condition: she had a severe form of pneumonia.

According to Dr. Moran Hellerman, deputy director of the intensive care unit, only one of the hospitalized patients had been vaccinated against influenza. The doctor noted that the current wave of influenza, unlike previous years, affects younger people who do not have underlying diseases.

This fact emphasizes the importance of influenza vaccination, which significantly reduces the risk of complications and severe disease. Dr. Hellerman noted that if you experience difficulty breathing and worsening flu symptoms, it is important to see a doctor.

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