The mental treatment of abductees: as with Holocaust survivors

It will happen in a few hours: The first three abductees will arrive in Israel and will be transferred to the return wing of the hospital, where they can be reunited with their family and go through a long process of medical tests, recovery and rehabilitation. This process will also be accompanied by close psychological treatment.

Dr Einat will enjoy clinical neuropsychologist and rehabilitation psychologist, heads the field of rehabilitation at the headquarters of the families of the abductees and accompanied many of them in the past year. “The abductees come from a reality of violence, constant fear and very difficult conditions – exposure to scenes of violence, food deprivation, lack of sleep and threats,” she says, “These are conditions that leave a significant mark on the soul and mind.

These experiences, along with the feeling of loss of control and identity, lead to severe symptoms such as psychomotor stagnation, disorientation in time and place, and severe physiological symptoms. They are expected to face neurological and cognitive difficulties such as memory disorders and the inability to create continuity between their experiences in captivity and the new reality. The rehabilitation process will be long and complex, far beyond the first days after release, and will require continuous systemic treatment – from motor and cognitive rehabilitation to prolonged mental support.”

What is expected to go through them mentally in the first days after release?
“The first few days are very critical. The emphasis is on creating a safe and neutral environment that prevents exposure to triggers that could overwhelm the trauma. Care must be taken to provide gentle and sensitive support, without burdening with questions or demands.

Our job is to restore the abductees’ sense of control. Even everyday actions, such as offering food, should be done out of respect and their choice. Communication should be simple and uncluttered, focusing on the most basic needs: security, nourishment and warm human contact. It is a process of mental balance, like a ‘rebirth’ after a traumatic experience.”

What is expected in the long-term rehabilitation process?
“Beyond the physiological and mental stabilization, the abductees will need long-term rehabilitation that will focus on cognitive and emotional difficulties. There will be abductees who will need treatment from a speech therapist to restore speech abilities, after long months of silence.

The treatment will also have to focus on strengthening basic life skills, developing organizational strategies and dealing with the new life routine. Each abductee will receive a personalized treatment suit, which will also include family accompaniment over the years. The important thing is to see the abductee and his family as a whole – a system that will need comprehensive and continuous support.”

What about the families?
“At the moment of release there is a huge sense of euphoria, but it is accompanied by fears and anxieties. The families do not know how to deal with the complex needs of their loved ones, such as nightmares at night, strange moments or unexpected behaviors.

Beyond that, the families themselves experienced prolonged trauma throughout the period of captivity, and they need mental support just as much as the abductees. It is important to guide them on how to support the abductees without burdening or exerting pressure, and to help them deal with the emotional and physical challenges that await them.”

The process facing the abductees and their families is long and complex, and will require continuous emotional and systemic support. Dr. Yehana emphasizes the importance of targeted professional support, adapted to the unique needs of each person who experienced the severe trauma of captivity. “It is a national mission,” she concludes, “to rehabilitate not only the abductees but also all the circles that surround them.”

And so the psychological escort is expected to be conducted along the general lines: upon arrival at the hospital, the abductees are received in a dedicated wing designed to convey a sense of calm and security. The treatment rooms are private and designed like hotel rooms. Each room has an extra bed, and an adjoining room for the family that will accompany the abductee from the beginning to provide essential emotional support. Along with many medical tests, the abductees undergo initial psychological tests aimed at locating their urgent and long-term needs.

The first stage of the emotional and mental treatment will be carried out as mentioned after the medical treatment and it focuses on listening, gradually regaining control of their lives and gradually completing the information they will request, so that there will be no flooding of physical or mental stimuli. In the meantime, they will practice regaining control over their lives little by little, so for example it will be possible to choose between water or coke, or their choice whether they want to shower now or later. Giving them such small options of choice will give them back the feeling that they have control over their lives again.

In the beginning, great difficulty is expected in front of any stimulus, in front of strong light, in front of touch, in front of loud voices, in front of people who speak Arabic. The therapists understand the sensory sensitivity and will therefore ask: “Is it okay for us to touch you”, “Is it okay for us to hug you”, “Is it okay for us to sit next to you”. The therapists were instructed to be as attentive as possible to the needs, without overwhelming the senses. Only later, after the body has recovered, will it be possible to begin psychological processing of the traumatic experience.

The long-term treatment focuses on processing the experience of captivity and dealing with feelings of guilt, fear and anger. Experienced therapists use techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and systematic reprocessing and desensitization (EMDR) to process traumatic memories in a controlled manner. In addition, elements of art therapy and movement are combined to allow for additional emotional expression.

The process of getting back to normal is a significant challenge for the abductees. They are required to deal with changes that occurred in their lives while they were in captivity. Some of them experience difficulty in reintegrating into the community or family, especially due to the differences in the feelings of time and reality. The treatment provides tools to strengthen the sense of self-worth and allows a return to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

The treatment environment has been carefully designed to instill a sense of security and comfort. The treatment rooms include design elements that aim to make it easier for patients to open up emotionally. The family is by their side in all stages of treatment, which increases the feeling of security and enables a joint process of processing and rehabilitation.

The trauma of captivity creates complex feelings, which sometimes include confusion towards the captors. Therapists work with patients to process these ambivalent feelings and understand that they are a natural part of the traumatic experience. The process requires a deep understanding and experience in working with complex trauma. The therapists also accompany the patients in dealing with feelings of loss and the guilt of exploitation, central issues in this treatment.

In addition to the emotional care, the therapists act as mediators with authorities such as the National Insurance and the health insurance funds, and help patients obtain the rights they deserve. The therapeutic work continues over time, adapting to the changing needs of the patients and families, and is designed to provide them with the necessary tools to return to an active and meaningful life.

By Editor

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