Overweight and obesity affect the balance of the emotional hormones serotonin and dopamine in the brain, making patients vulnerable to psychological damage, gradually leading to depression.
People with a body mass index (BMI) over 25 (kg/m2) are obese. The way to calculate BMI is weight (kg)/height² (m). Obesity is a chronic, relapsing and progressive disease. Dr. Lam Van Hoang, Director of the Center for Weight Control and Obesity Treatment, Tam Anh General Hospital, said many people do not properly understand this disease, leading to prejudice and discrimination. This unintentionally makes overweight or obese people have low self-esteem and guilt, gradually affecting their psychology.
Dr. Hoang explains that excess fat can affect the balance of chemicals serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These substances play an important role in regulating emotions, so when they are imbalanced, the risk of depression increases. On the contrary, depression, boredom or anxiety disorders motivate patients to eat more to relieve emotions. Stress causes the body to produce the hormone ghrelin, creating a feeling of hunger, making the patient crave food and eat more, especially sweets and fats. When feeling self-conscious about their unbalanced body, obese people are often afraid to go to crowded places, tend to be withdrawn, sedentary, and vulnerable to psychological damage.
Overweight and obese people often have the habit of eating more when they are sad. Image: Virtue
People with bipolar disorder are at high risk of weight gain, during both manic and depressive phases. Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes mood swings. During the manic phase, physical activity increases but eating habits are irregular, leading to overconsumption of calorie-rich foods, causing energy imbalance. During the depressive phase, the patient is less physically active and has a change in appetite, making it easier to gain weight.
According to Dr. Hoang, obese people are at high risk of diseases such as diabetes, blood fat, snoring, sleep apnea… Depression and anxiety disorders are one of the dangerous complications of obesity. Correct awareness is needed to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.
Losing weight incorrectly and failing many times can easily get discouraging and give up. To lose weight effectively, obese people should apply official weight loss methods and choose a licensed treatment facility. Treating obesity takes time; doctors must take a step-by-step, multi-modal and individualized approach. Patients receive psychological support and treatment as prescribed by the doctor and change their lifestyle from diet to exercise to achieve good results.