There are two types of hepatitis B: acute and chronic. With acute hepatitis B, 80% of the virus is eliminated after 3-6 months. Chronic hepatitis B occurs when the body cannot eliminate the hepatitis B virus after 6 months. At that time, the virus exists in the blood and liver, causing chronic inflammatory reactions. This condition, if not detected and treated promptly, can cause dangerous complications such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Some cases of hepatitis B can cause silent liver cancer complications, without going through the stage of cirrhosis. Therefore, patients need to be regularly monitored and examined by a liver specialist to have a follow-up plan to screen and detect abnormalities early (if any).
Doctor Hoa is examining a patient. Illustration photo: Tam Anh General Hospital
Currently, with the advancement of new generation treatment drugs, chronic hepatitis B can be treated effectively and safely. If the patient complies with treatment, the virus can be negative in the blood for about 6-12 months. However, after the virus is negative, there is still a small amount of hepatitis B virus in the nucleus of the patient’s liver cells. Patients need to take antiviral drugs long-term, have regular follow-up visits to control the virus, and screen for complications of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Your wife needs to comply with the doctor’s examination and treatment regimen. Friends and relatives such as mothers, siblings, and children should be screened for the disease. Because the hepatitis virus is also transmitted vertically, mothers transmit it to their children during pregnancy. If family members have not yet had hepatitis B, they should be vaccinated. If you are positive for this virus, you should see a liver specialist for appropriate treatment.