During Tet, people have to travel long distances, often experiencing motion sickness, dizziness, and fatigue. Many people fainted, became dizzy, and vomited because they could not smell the smell of gasoline.
Doctor Nguyen Huy Hoang, Vietnam – Russia Hyperbaric Oxygen Center, Ministry of National Defense, explained that motion sickness is caused by a conflict between signal streams sent to the brain or by excessive vestibular stimulation. In addition, closed spaces, the smell of cigarette smoke, the smell of gasoline, car oil… also cause drunkenness faster. People with vestibular syndrome, pregnant women or those taking birth control pills, and children have a higher risk of motion sickness than usual.
Common symptoms include restlessness, anxiety, increased sweating, pale skin, rapid breathing, nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal cramps, dizziness, headaches…
Some tips to help reduce the feeling of motion sickness:
Fresh ginger
Ginger is a popular spice in family meals. This is also a valuable medicine that cures inflammation, treats colds, warms the body from the inside, and prevents respiratory and digestive diseases. Ginger helps relieve nausea and dizziness caused by motion sickness. You can drink a cup of ginger tea before going, but don’t drink too much. Bitter ginger peel can be peeled off or kept intact depending on your needs.
Near Tet, when the weather is cold, people can drink ginger, soak their feet and hands in ginger water to feel more comfortable and at ease.
Note that people who are preparing for surgery or have just completed surgery should not use ginger. Do not use for people with nosebleeds, bleeding teeth, hemorrhage, coughing up blood, people with excessive sweating, heat stroke… Pregnant women should not use it because ginger tea can cause uterine contractions. increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. People who have hot internal organs, mouth sores, constipation, sweat a lot or are sweating should not eat.
Tangerine, fresh lemon
Lemons and tangerines are foods rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and minerals that are beneficial for health and spirit. This is a fruit that enhances immunity and supports digestion. When you get motion sickness, you can drink a glass of warm lemon water to reduce throat discomfort. You can smell tangerine and lemon peels to feel more comfortable and reduce the feeling of hangover.
People with stomach, digestive, and colon diseases should not drink on an empty stomach.
Dried fruit, bread, nuts
To forget the feeling of motion sickness, you can use dried fruits or nuts. Eating cookies reduces discomfort and nausea. You should not use the type that has a spicy taste, the smell of garlic, onions… to avoid more severe motion sickness. Many people like to eat or smell bread to limit nausea and reduce vomiting. You can take medicine or wear motion sickness patches.
You can take medicine or apply patches to reduce feelings of fatigue and dizziness. Image: Health
In addition, you should stay mentally relaxed and not too stressed to reduce motion sickness and fatigue. Don’t eat too much or let your body get too hungry. You should get enough sleep before getting on the train or car.
If you can sleep on the train or car, it can also help reduce sickness. People who often get motion sickness should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
You can choose relaxing music without lyrics or white noise to relax your mind and relieve stress.