The peanut butter is used for a variety of culinary foods: it upgrades sauces, serves as a popular bread spread and is also recommended for making pop -up foods in the east style.
Although this is a calorie -high food, if you can correctly incorporate it into the menu, its important nutritional benefits can be enjoyed. First, choose a quality peanut butter, which contains 100% roasted peanuts without extras. Such butter provides the body with some important things:
- protein: Two tablespoons of peanut butter (about 32 grams) contain about 7 grams of protein-an essential component of the diet that, among other things, maintains the proper functioning of the muscles. However, it is important to know that the protein in the peanut butter is not full, so it is advisable to combine it with other protein sources such as eggs and dairy products.
- Healthy fats: Peanut butter mainly contains unsaturated fats that contribute to heart health.
- Dietary fiber: Two tablespoons of peanut protest contains about 1.5-2 grams of dietary fiber. It’s not a lot, but it’s definitely an important addition to the spread, which allows it to contribute to a long sense of satiety and a better digestion.
- Magnesium, vitamin E And Niacin: These components contribute to the health of the muscles, skin and immune system.
The disadvantages
Alongside the benefits, there are also some things to be careful about, most notably – calories. As mentioned, this is a high-calorie dish, and in two tablespoons peanut butter there are about 190 calories. In light of this fact, it is important to maintain a measured consumption, especially when trying to maintain weight or restrict calorie intake. Beyond that, it should be taken into account that the product may include less desirable supplements, such as: added sugar, mines oils or a large amount of salt. Therefore, it is important to read the component list well and choose a product that contains only peanuts.
How should you incorporate it into the menu?
- One tablespoon on a slice of whole bread with cut fruit over – a satisfying and fast indulgence.
- As an addition to the shake: Add a tablespoon of peanut butter to a banana shake and almond milk and thus earn an energetic and satisfying drink.
- As a healthy fat source: Replace less healthy spreads like butter or chocolate spreads with natural peanut butter.
Yara Badran, a clinical dietitian in Maccabi Health Services in North District