Why is the feeling of drunkenness difficult to fall quickly?

The process of eliminating alcohol in the body depends on many factors such as the location, the amount of alcohol consumption as well as the metabolic speed of the liver.

After drinking alcohol, alcohol (ethanol) is absorbed quickly through the stomach and small intestine, entering the blood and quickly distributed to the organs in the body. The liver takes on the main role in the metabolism of alcohol. About 90% of the liver is treated through two main stages.

First, the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme (ADH) convert ethanol into acetaldehyde – a toxin that can cause headaches, nausea and fatigue. After that, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (Aldh) convert acetaldehyde into acetate, a less toxic substance, and eventually decompose into water and CO2, discharged in urine, breathing and sweat.

However, the liver is only able to handle a limited amount of alcohol per hour, on average about 7-10 g of alcohol (equivalent to a can of 330 ml beer). If drinking too much or too fast, the amount of alcohol accumulated in the blood will increase, causing drunkenness and slow down the detox process. In addition, the location and health status also greatly affects the metabolic speed. Lightweight, hungry or drinking for the first time is often more difficult in eliminating alcohol.

Some tips to quickly reduce alcohol content such as drinking water, fruit juice, eating starchy foods and fiber, using ginger or green tea. Green tea, thanks to containing antioxidants such as catechin and polyphenols, helps reduce the effects of alcohol on the liver and supports detoxification. Fiber from green vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower or celery not only helps support digestion but also protects the liver, helps purify toxins.

The best way to protect health is to minimize drinking alcohol.

By Editor

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