4 groups of foods are good for muscle weakness

Foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, potassium, vitamin A such as milk, fatty fish, shrimp to reduce symptoms of myasthenia gravis.

Myastheniasticks are chronic autoimmune disorders of neuromuscular joints, affecting the communication between nerves and muscles. Symptoms include eyelid collapse, pairing, swallowing hard, choke, reducing muscle strength, shortness of breath or breathing … The disease is not treated promptly, there is a risk of aggravation, reducing the quality of life, death. Patients with muscle weakness are also at high risk of other autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis …

MSc Khau Thanh Ngan, nerve unit, Tam Anh General Clinic District 7, said that besides treatment as directed by a doctor, patients with muscle weakness need to maintain a scientific diet to improve. Overall health, reducing weakness, muscle fatigue and side effects of immunosuppressive drugs.

The daily meals of patients with muscle weakness should ensure adequate energy, balancing important nutrient groups including sugar, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

Foods rich in calcium Such as milk and dairy products, fatty fish, shrimp, crab, broccoli, spinach, amaranth … can reduce symptoms of myasthenia gravis. Calcium has the effect of increasing neurotransmitter, necessary for muscle contraction, releasing hormones in the body, improving pain and difficulty in movement.

Calcium also participates in metabolism, good for overall health. Calcium -rich food supplements also support patients with muscle weakness to reduce the risk of osteoporosis due to the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs.


Doctors advise myasthenia gravis. Artwork: Tam Anh Clinic District 7

Foods containing vitamin D There are many in eggs, milk, fatty fish, animal liver, mushrooms, cereals … Vitamin D helps the body increase calcium absorption, reduces the risk of osteoporosis in patients with myasthenia gravis. Vitamin D also works with the brain, participates in regulating cell growth, controls the nervous system, reduces the risk of neurodegeneration and reduced cognitive impairment.

According to Dr. Ngan, the body also synthesizes vitamin D through sunbathing 10-15 minutes a day in the early morning or late afternoon, depending on the intensity of the sun and the body area in direct contact with the sunlight. sun.

Foods rich in potassium. Potassium plays an important role in regulating the stimulation of nerve cells and other cells in the central nervous system, promoting the communication between nerves and muscles. Patients with potassium deficiency can make the condition weaker and more serious. Bananas, papaya, coconut, watermelon, beans, spinach contain many potassiums and nutrients, contributing to the balance of water and electrolytes in the body.

Foods containing Vitamin A and good nutrients for vision such as eggs, kale, corn, spinach, seafood, cereals, nuts, peanut oil, soy, tomatoes, which supports people with muscle weakness to reduce the symptoms of eye paralysis, cabbage Good vision.

According to Dr. Ngan, the weak eye muscles are often a symptom of 70-75% of myasthenia gravis. In many cases, there is only only symptoms of eye weakness, with manifestations such as eyelid collapse, blurred vision, and double look.

People with muscle weakness should split meals during the day, avoid eating too full or too much at the same time, can add 2-3 additional snacks alternating between the main meals to increase nutrition absorption. Prioritize soft food or small size to reduce chewing, swallowing. Patients should sit upright, eat slowly, chew carefully, avoid tilting their heads forward when swallowing food because they are easy to choke.

Patients should examine and treat early in the neurological specialist, avoiding long -term danger. Compliance with doctor’s appointment, do not arbitrarily use the drug to avoid drug interactions or dangerous side effects. Reasonable living, working, resting regime combined with exercise or exercise. Control stress, anxiety, get enough sleep. Limit or avoid out when hot. High temperatures can cause sudden aggravation of myasthenia gravis or dangerous complications.

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