What happens when eating low calories to lose weight?

The body does not receive enough calories that may lack energy, fatigue, not enough nutrients, lose muscle, reduce fertility.

Dr., Dr. Tran Huu Thanh Tung, Center for weight control and obesity treatment, Tam Anh General Hospital, said many people lost weight to find fasting, limiting the amount of calories loaded. Calo needs for each person vary depending on the level of movement. On average an adult needs about 1,800 daily. To lose weight, the amount of calories loaded per day must be lower than the amount of calories used by the body. If excessive calorie cuts can lead to lack of energy, fatigue, and work inefficiently.

The calorie deficiency diet promotes the body to burn fat quickly, thereby losing weight. But cutting too much calories can reduce metabolism. At this time, the body begins to dehydration and muscle mass, causing dangerous complications.

In the sequence of use of the body’s nutrients, the first mobilized energy source is sugar, then fat and finally the protein exists mainly in the muscle. The body does not receive enough food to accelerate the process of burning fat tissue for energy but also accompanied by the risk of muscle cells in the body lacking nutrients leading to muscle atrophy. Reducing too much carbohydrate also causes over -burning fat tissue to stagnate ketone (an acidic substance) in the body.


Cut foods containing starch to help lose weight but too lacking in health. Image: Virtue

To squeeze the weight, many people still abstain from eating too much can create inhibition psychology. Dieters tend to eat more when the diet runs out. Too little calories also cause water deficiency, micronutrients needed for the body such as iron, zinc, magnesium, leading to malnutrition, weakness of the body.

According to Dr. Tung, if limited calorie intake incorrectly, the fertility of women is more affected than men. Because the ability to ovulate depends on hormone levels. The body needs to increase the level of estrogen and hormones to create the bodies (LH) so that the ovulation process takes place. While LH level partly depends on the number of calories available in women’s diet.

Dr. Tung recommends a safe reduction for beginners to lose weight 300-500 calories. Obese people need to lose weight according to the roadmap of the endocrinologist or nutritionist.

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