The plant that includes potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese and zinc

When you say “carob”, what does you come to mind? Carob candy from the neighborhood grocery? Unconvincing chocolate replacement? Well, this brown back, which many people know, belongs to the family of legumes (such as the hummus, lentils and beans). The carob hides a fascinating story, which begins with the Talmudic stories, passes through modern cuisine, and reaches the front of the struggle with climate change. For Tu B’Shvat, it is time to renew with one of our country’s natural treasures.

The roots of the carob tree are deeply rooted in Israeli history. The carob is mentioned in the Talmud and the Midrashic literature. From Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s story, which is fed being sponsored in the cave while he fled the Romans, to the circle, who, when a man who plays a carob, asked him why he was bothering a tree to give fruit only in 70 years, the man replied: ” Plants to its sons. ” A story that reminds us of the importance of patience and investment on the way to the results.

The dietary secrets of the carob
The carob’s anticipation contains between 48% and 56% natural sugars, about 18% dietary fiber in cellulose and the abstract (a type of nutritional fiber in the plant cells) and mineral wealth that includes potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese and zinc.

The carob powder also shows impressive nutritional profile: 46% sugar and 7% protein, along with small quantities of minerals and various vitamins. A significant advantage of the carob over the chocolate is the minority of calories. Furthermore, unlike chocolate, the carob does not contain stimulant substances such as terubromein – a substance created in the body as a result of caffeine decomposition that expands the blood vessels, stimulates the heart and urine. Some chocolate products also contain caffeine. This made the carob a popular chocolate replacement, especially among the natural food movement in the United States of the 1970s.

From popular candy to a premium product
The carob has become a significant and central component of the food industries, mainly due to its unique features and uses that can be produced. The carob is rich in natural sugars and protein, making it a natural and sought -after selection in an industry that focuses on healthy, natural and conjunctiva foods. The food industry uses a variety of fields – ranging from natural sweeteners to manufacturing substitutes for dairy and cocoa products.

One of the main uses of the carob in the food industry is as a natural substitute for sugar. Honey carob and moles are one of the most familiar products derived from the swine, and are alternatives to other sweeteners, with a unique taste that fits a variety of uses. In addition, the carob serves as a key component of the food stabilizers industry. The carob seeds contain gelatin -like natural material, known as “Gum” (Gum), which has been reputable as one of the highest quality food stickers. This component is combined with products such as ice cream, yogurt and baby food.

The carob plays a significant role in the food and pharma industries. In the modern food industry, the carob stands out for the food stabilizer E410 extracted from its seeds, and is used in a variety of products such as pastries, pasta, spreads, sweets and syrups. In the field of extensions, its extracts are combined with probiotic products to improve digestive function, creating a sense of satiety and maintaining oral health. In the pharmaceutical industry, its active components are used to develop medical products and clinical studies related to the digestive system.

The demand for carob and its products is in constant increase, as part of the global trend to consume natural and healthier foods. The lack of a stable supply of raw material in the global market has led to the development of large -scale commercial plantations. The new plantations allow quality product supply under controlled and tailored conditions for the food industry’s requirements.

In terms of traditional production, it is interesting that the high quality carob syrup is produced in a long and delicate process: the traditional producer chooses the carobs carefully, soak them in water for 24 hours and boil on fire for more than ten hours. In the market you can also find cheaper commercial products, but they usually contain extra sugar, as opposed to the natural traditional product.

The carob is also green
In addition to its dietary benefits, the carob is also marked as a bargain. Compared to cocoa growth, which requires large amounts of water and sometimes causes forests, the carob’s increase requires 90% less water, contributes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 80% and does not require pesticides. These figures make it an attractive component of the global food industry, especially given the environmental challenges facing traditional cocoa agriculture.

The carob serves many industries – not only in food and pharma but also in the textile and paper industries. Increased demand leads to the prices of carob significantly increase in recent years.

I have a loved one in a carob patrol
And as the carob – humble, durable and strong – so is an IDF carob, who carries his name proudly. . The current unit began as a 1995 infantry battalion and became an elite patrol in 2017 within the Kfir Brigade, with its tamo: “If there is a way – we will find it, if not – we will break it down.” The unit fighters specialize in challenging activity that requires durability, determination and professionalism.
From traditional cuisine to modern industry, from the ancient stories to the IDF patrol, the carob continues to surprise and innovate. It seems that its nutritional, industrial and environmental benefits make the carob one of the innovative and intriguing tumors in the food market. You will find that the secret to good health has been here all the time.

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