Women should exercise every day, do not skip meals, chew food carefully, meditate and avoid using too much phone to enhance health, live longer.
Besides giving up bad habits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle also promotes health, appearance as well as a spiritual life for women. Here are 5 women’s habits should be done regularly.
Do exercise
Physical activity is one of the important habits that women should maintain daily. Walking exercises, cycling, dancing or yoga … help improve cardiovascular health, enhance energy and improve mood. Going to the stairs or gently exercise for 10 minutes also benefits over time. They help reduce the risk of chronic diseases related to obesity such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Chronic stress affects organs in the body. Women meditate 5-10 minutes a day to improve concentration, reduce stress. This exercise is also beneficial to the spirit, easy to focus at work.
No skip meals
The dense working schedule makes women skip meals or eat in a hurry. However, skipping meals can lead to unhealthy snacks, making the metabolism slow down. Eat three balanced meals every day contributing to energy control. Prioritize foods rich in protein, healthy fat and fiber. Snacks can be separated for a few hours with dishes such as yogurt, nuts, fruits to prevent over -eating during the day.
Avoid using excessive electronics
The rest of the day is easy to be annoyed by noise, electronic equipment … spending hours see electronic equipment affecting sleep quality, leading to eye fatigue or increasing stress level. Each person should spend a few hours a day to perform other favorite activities of himself and his family. Take time for the brain to rest, leave the phone screen to help improve the quality of sleep, mental comfort.
Eat slowly, chew carefully
The way you eat is as important as what your body loads. Chewing food is not well, in a hurry can lead to indigestion, bloating and poor absorption of nutrients. In contrast, chewing slowly facilitates food to contact with saliva longer, helping to decompose food to absorb the body well.
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