Exercise tips to balance blood pressure

Choose the appropriate exercise, maintain exercise about 30 minutes a day, contributing to balancing blood pressure, protecting the heart.

Consult your doctor before practicing

Besides reducing salt, eating healthy food, exercising in moderation contributes to balancing blood pressure. To protect the health, people with a history of blood pressure should consult a doctor before applying a new exercise program. Because medication for hypertension can reduce heart rate, affecting endurance. Beginners can walk with relatives, friends, swimming, join the sports club, yoga …

Choose the right exercise

Aerobic, walking, swimming, cycling, rhythmic exercise … are suitable exercises that contribute to blood pressure control. Newly pedestrians should start 5 minutes a day, then increase time, set targets about 30 minutes daily or switch to gently jogging. The muscle relaxation helps to increase heart rate, change the body’s blood vessel resistance through many different movements, contributing to regulating the cardiovascular system and reducing blood pressure.

Swimming reduces the pressure on the joints, bones, supports blood circulation, strengthens muscles in the arms, legs and central muscles, balancing blood pressure. Yoga is effective in reducing stress, which is beneficial for people with hypertension.

The practitioner needs to understand the health status of himself, learn how to breathe properly. When the blood pressure is high, the heart must be active to push the blood through the blood vessels. People with high blood pressure often have more stress, cardiac stress than normal people. Therefore, high intensity exercises increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Start from a short time

Beginners should perform 0-15 minutes a day, then gradually increase to about 30-60 minutes, maintain 3-5 days a week. People with worse physical strength should start with short duration, gradually increase time when physical improvement. The American Heart Association recommends that each person should exercise at least 150 minutes per week.

Perseverance practice

To achieve benefits from exercise, each person should maintain this habit for a long time. In addition to contributing to the balance of blood pressure, training to support weight control, thereby maintaining a slim physique, reducing the risk of diabetes, degenerative joints, osteoporosis …

In addition to training, each person should maintain a diet and relax science to regulate blood pressure. Potassium is an important mineral that contributes to eliminating sodium, reducing pressure on blood vessels. Bananas, green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes … rich in potassium.

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