The diseases or hormonal imbalance due to pregnancy, menopause, stress can cause hair loss for a few months.
About 50-100 hair loss daily due to brushing, shampooing and styling is normal. If more hair loss is called Telogen hair loss. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, people with Telogen hair loss can lose 300-500 hair strands a day.
Telogen hair loss occurs when a large amount of hair follicles in the resting stage (stop working). At this time, up to 70% of the hair on the scalp may fall, usually falling. This is a common situation, common in women and occurs after 2-3 months from the fact that the activity is available. This situation usually does not last more than 6 months, but if it is considered chronic. Telogen hair loss usually does not lead to baldness but can make the hair look thin, especially around the temple and the top of the head. Stressful, mental or emotional, along with certain drugs, can cause this condition.
Pathological condition
Health condition can lead to hair loss including an imbalance of thyroid, sickness (especially high fever), infection of Covid-19, inflammatory conditions that affect the scalp (such as eczema or psoriasis). , vitamin or minerals deficiency (especially iron deficiency in women), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), HIV infection.
Hair loss caused by disease like Covid-19 usually improves 3-6 months after recovery. However, the case of diseases affects the scalp, hair loss is likely to continue without treating the basic cause.
Physical fluctuations
Physical changes that cause stress for the body, can lead to excessive hair loss, especially changing hormones. This situation usually occurs several months after the stress agent activates and stops when the hormone concentration in the body is adjusted. Powerful changes in the body can cause hair loss including childbirth, losing weight, stopping or starting to use birth control pills, pre -menopause and menopause.
Hair loss after childbirth is very common due to changes in hormones that women have to go through. This situation usually starts two months after birth, peaks 4 months later and stops when the hormone returns to balance. After about 6-9 months, the hair returned to a normal full state, according to the American Dermatology Academy Association.
Psychological fluctuations
Large stress events can cause hair loss, usually after a few months. For example, just divorce, lose jobs, surgery or serious injury. Temporary hair loss may last if the patient continues to stress.
Hair loss is also abnormal may also be due to side effects of some drugs such as acne treatment, blood thinning, birth control pills, beta blockers, depression, anti -epileptic drugs …
A lot of hair loss due to medication is usually temporary. Hair may stop falling when stopping medication. But the patient must not stop any drugs. Patients should talk to the doctor about changing the dose or finding an alternative drug.
To treat abnormal hair loss, patients should see a dermatologist to diagnose the condition, find the exact cause. In some cases, you may need blood tests or other tests. Most cases do not need treatment and hair back to normal development cycle.
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