Cervical cancer is divided into stages 1-4, early diagnosis of survival rate after 5 years up to 92%.

The cervix is ​​a small hollow tube connecting the uterus to the vagina. According to the World Health Organization, cervical cancer is a common cancer in women, usually occurs from over 30 years old. The main reason is that the papilloma infection in humans (HPV) is transmitted through sexual activity. This is usually a slow -growing cancer, so frequent screening is very important.

Cervical cancer is divided into 4 stages, based on the classification system of the International Obstetrics and Gynecology Federation (Figo). These stages are classified by tumor size and the extent of the spread of cancer out of the cervix.

Phase one

At this stage, cancer cells have grown and spread from the cervical surface into deeper tissues. But the cancer is still localized, not spreading out of the cervix into lymph nodes or other organs. The tumor is from less than 3 mm to about 4 cm.

Patients often have no symptoms. If detected, stage one cervical cancer is highly treated and has good prognosis. The relative survival rate after 5 years is about 92%, according to the American Cancer Association.

Methods of treatment of stage one cervical cancer depend on the desire to maintain the fertility of the patient, as well as the spread of cancer cells into blood, lymph vessels or nearby tissues. . People who want to preserve fertility are often treated with a cone -shaped biopsy, which is to remove the cone model from the cervix. Without cancer cells, patients do not need further treatment, but need to closely monitor to detect the possibility of recurrence.

In case there is no need for future pregnancy, patients may be removed uterine uterus and cervix. This method is only recommended if the cancer has not spread into blood vessels or lymph vessels. If the patient does not want surgery or is not healthy enough for surgery, chemotherapy combined with radiation can be used as an alternative treatment.

Second phase

The cancer has spread to the cervix and the uterus, but has not spread into the lymph nodes, pots or the lower part of the vagina, organs or remote areas in the body. The tumor is smaller or larger than 4 cm. Possible symptoms such as pain or bleeding after intercourse, pelvic pain, after menopause, bleeding between menstrual periods, menstrual cycle longer or more, vaginal discharge Sometimes blood. Stage 2 cervical cancer can be treated and cured. The relative survival rate after 5 years is about 61%, according to Kansas University Cancer Center, USA.

Patients are often treated by removing the entire uterus, plus the removal of pelvic lymph nodes and sampling lymph nodes around the aortic. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes or nearby tissues, your doctor may recommend radiotherapy after surgery. In some cases, the doctor may radiate, have or not accompanied by chemotherapy, instead of surgery for patients.

At the end of the second phase, the cancer spreads to the cervix into the surrounding pelvic tissue such as the upper part of the vagina, bladder or rectum. This stage is called cervical cancer in place. Cervical cancer at this stage is often treated with radiation therapy.

Phase third

Cancer has spread to the lower vagina or pots. Cancer may or may not spread into nearby lymph nodes, not yet spread to the body or remote organs of the body. The tumor may be large enough to block urine tubes from the kidney to the bladder (ureter), causing water stasis.

Symptoms include difficulty urinating or defecation, swollen legs, pain during sex, blood in the urine, unknown weight loss, back pain. Because this stage cancer has spread, the survival rate after 5 years is estimated at 32-35%, according to Kansas University Cancer Center, USA. Patients are often treated with chemotherapy.

Stage 4

This is the most developed cervical cancer stage. Cervical cancer recur is usually in this stage. In stage 4, cancer cells have metastasized to neighboring organs or other areas of the body such as bladder or rectum, even liver, lung or bone.

Symptoms may include fatigue or exhaustion, dizziness, bone pain or fracture, vaginal fistula (a vaginal and rectal hole), shortness of breath, spit blood.

Cancer at this stage is often not considered to be cured. Treatments may include radiation, with or without chemotherapy. Targeted therapy and immunotherapy can also be used. The relative survival rate after 5 years with stage 4 cervical cancer is about 17%, according to Kansas University Cancer Center, USA.

Treatment of cervical cancer can cause side effects including nausea, fatigue and more bruising. Patients may be premature menopause or irregular menstruation.

Some women with cervical cancer have good health after the end of the treatment process, there are also other cases living with the rest of their lives. Patients need to follow the re -examination and test as directed by the doctor, monitor new symptoms for quick treatment when necessary.

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