What happens when eating meat every day?

Meat is a source of protein and vitamins, minerals but should not eat too much to avoid missing other essential food groups such as fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Meat is derived from muscle and animal tissue, including internal organs such as liver and heart. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines narrower meat, excluding fish, poultry and wild animals. Meat is often known as red meat like beef and pork, or white meat like chicken and turkey.

Meat is a source of high quality protein, helping to build and repair tissues in the body. It is also rich in important nutrients like iron and zinc. However, eating daily meat can bring both benefits and risks to health, depending on the type of meat and consumption.

Benefits of daily meat eating

Meat is an excellent high quality protein. It contains all the essential amino acids that the body can only absorb through food. Amino acids are a component of protein, essential for muscle repair, tissue development and overall health. Protein from meat also has high biological value, meaning that the body can use a large part of the protein in meat to meet the needs of the body.

Meat also provides important vitamins and minerals. Meat is the main source of iron, an essential minerals to create hemoglobin, protein in red blood cells carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron is essential for healthy muscles, bone marrow and functions of organs. The body also needs iron to produce certain hormones.

Meat is an abundant source of zinc, an essential mineral that supports the immune system, supports growth and repair of cells, helps heal wounds and plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism. Zinc is also important for smell and taste.

The meat also contains many vitamins B. These vitamins are essential for the body to convert food into energy. They also help form red blood cells.

Risk of daily meat

Eating too many foods or food groups, including meat, is not recommended. Instructions on diet and health experts emphasize a balanced diet with a variety to avoid missing other essential food groups such as fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is also important to add different protein sources, such as fish and plant proteins.

Some studies show that eating too much red meat or processed meat may increase the risk of cancer. Eat less than 50 g of red meat daily to reduce the risk of cancer such as prostate cancer, breast cancer or colorectal cancer.

Red meat also contains more substances that pollute the environment than white meat (poultry). These substances are found in fat, so lean meat should be selected and combined with protein sources to avoid eating red meat in daily meals.

Eating a large amount of meat can also have a great impact on the environment. Research shows that a high -rise diet has the highest carbon emissions. In contrast, the diet based on plants, such as vegetarian and pure vegetarian, has the lowest environmental impact.


Meat is nutritious but should not eat too much. Image: Pexels

How much meat should eat every day?

Although there is no specific instructions on the amount of meat should be eaten, there are instructions on the amount of protein should be consumed. Different recommendations are based on factors such as age, weight, activity level and health status.

Protein is important to prevent muscle loss as you get older. For healthy adults, the daily recommended amount of protein (RDA) is 0.8 g per kg of body weight. This is the minimum to avoid protein deficiency. However, experts recommend eating 1.2 g per kg to reduce muscle loss due to age. Protein should account for 10-35% of calories daily, depending on your lifestyle and needs.

Although adequate protein supplementation is important, the monitoring of diet is equally important. This makes room for other foods in the diet so you can get many different nutrients to support overall health.

American diet guidelines also recommend that eating protein -rich foods, including plant proteins such as beans and soy products. These vegetable proteins provide phytochemical substances (healthy plant compounds) and nutrients like fiber not in meat.

Which type of meat should choose?

American diet guidance recommends choosing lean meat sources for a healthy diet. Lean meat is less saturated than fat meat. Eating too much saturated fat can increase cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease. Red meat like beef, pork and lamb often have more saturated fats than non -skin or fish.

You can still put red meat in a healthy diet by choosing lean meat.

Advice when eating meat

To ensure meat is a healthy part of your diet, manage your diet and carefully choose the type of meat you eat.

Eat a balanced diet with many different sources of protein, including plant options, which can help you get the necessary nutrients without overloading meat.

Choose lean meat to reduce the amount of unfair fat, remove visible fat before cooking, control the diet (about 85-113 g), choose healthy processing and balance with plant protein (beans, lentils, tofu and quinoa).

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