How to eat with blood pressure?

According to the results of the national survey of non -communicable risk factors (Steps) in 2021 of the Ministry of Health, adults in Vietnam consumed an average of 8.1 g of salt a day, exceeding the recommendations of the Organization of Medical Organization World sacrifice (WHO).

People with background disease (cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, diabetes …) eat a lot of salt (sodium) can make the condition worse. For example, chronic kidney disease impaired kidney function over time. Eat plenty of sodium to increase blood pressure, cause kidney damage, risk of renal failure. People who are prone to heart disease may need dialysis or kidney transplant. Reducing salt can help protect the heart and maintain kidney function, control blood pressure, support the treatment of heart failure and kidney failure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications, stroke.

Salt is found in soup powder, fish sauce, soy sauce, processed foods, sausages, cold meat, sour salt … To reduce the amount of salt intake, patients need to limit all these food sources . Healthy people should only eat less than 5 g of salt a day. People over 50 years old and people with diseases (kidneys, diabetes, hypertension) should only eat less than 3.2 g of salt a day. 5 g of salt is equivalent to a teaspoon of salt or 2 teaspoons of seasoning or 2.5 tablespoons of fish sauce or 3.5 tablespoons of soy sauce.

When processing, his family can use natural spices such as onions, garlic, pepper, lemon, vinegar to increase the flavor. He can dilute fish sauce, soy sauce if needed. Limit high salt foods such as cold meat, instant noodles, snacks, processed sauce, cheese, dried fish, roasted beans with salt … Priority to choose vegetables, boiled meat instead of fried food, stir -fry, braised, braised, rim. Check nutritional labels, choose products with low salt content, cook at home to accurately control the amount of salt. Encourage the whole family to maintain a habit of eating lightly.

It usually takes about 6-8 weeks for a person to get used to the use of food reducing salt, light food. Therefore, he should be persistent, trusting can eat successfully. Once used to it, he will find it very difficult to eat high salt dishes.

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