Hà, 18 years old, aloe vera daily to treat acne and lighten the skin, this time the face is swollen, the skin is red, itchy.

Ha examined at the local hospital twice, blood tests did not find the cause. At Tam Anh General Clinic in District 7, Dr. Dang Thi Ngoc Bich diagnosed Ha’s skin sensitive and allergic at all allergies, so it could be allergic to aloe vera. Aloe vera component includes many beneficial compounds and many uses, often used as topical cosmetics. However, some active ingredients can cause skin irritation, especially for people with sensitive skin, a history of allergies with unknown types.

“Maybe before that, Ha applied aloe vera but short time so it was not allergic immediately,” Dr. Bich said, explaining more when applying more than 30 minutes, the skin began to irritate leading to inflammation and allergies.


The face is before and after the treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by aloe vera. Image: Tam Anh General Hospital

Doctors prescribe anti -inflammatory and antibiotic drugs, topical drugs to restore skin for Ha. In the first two days, symptoms gradually decreased, the face was less swollen, itchy. After 7 days of treatment, the symptoms of allergies improve clearly, the face is swollen, the skin decreases red, no itchy, all rough.

Dr. Bich recommends not applying fresh aloe vera directly to the skin without treatment. Aloe vera time should not exceed 15 minutes. Before use, it is necessary to try first on a small skin area to check the reaction. People with atopic allergies, who have been exposed to contact dermatitis should consult a doctor before applying, applying any drugs and leaves.

Atopic dermatitis is non -communicable, nor is it dangerous, but it affects quite a lot of activities and psychology of patients, especially children. The disease can last for a lifetime but control with many prescription drugs and not prescribed, according to Dr. Bich. Patients need to protect and care for skin to limit the irritating factors.

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