Daily exposure to screens as well as an hour increases the risk of abbreviation
How many hours are you in front of the screen? A new study reveals one hour a dangerous day. The researchers from South Korea who examined data from dozens of studies in which hundreds of thousands were examined, found that with the increase in exposure so that the damage was aggravated.

The new study was published in the medical journal JAMA. The researchers examined data from 45 different studies that included over 335,000 participants. The study was carried out as part of a systematic overview and meta-analysis of previous studies, using an advanced statistical analysis that examined the relationship between daily screen time and the chance of developing vision.

Exposure to screens, an eyeball injury (Photo: Shaterstock)

The results of the study showed that for each additional hour of screen exposure, the risk of abbreviations increased by 21%. Among participants exposed to screens one hour a day, the risk of severity was 5% higher than people who were not exposed to screens at all. When exposure rose to four hours a day, the risk increased to almost twice as much (97% more). Beyond four hours of daily exposure, the rate of increase in risk, but remains significant.

Researchers believe that the use of screens causes the effort to gain the effort of the eye structure, and in particular the elongation of the eyeball, which is considered a major factor in the development of severity. In the meantime, children and teens are found to be particularly exposed to this risk because their eyes are still developing. The study also emphasized that a combination of using various digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs increases the negative effect on vision, compared to exclusive exposure to one type of device.

Another interesting figure on which the study indicated is that the effect of screen time on the risk of abbreviations was consistent in all age groups tested – from young children to adults. However, the effect was stronger in children aged two to seven, with a 42% increase in risk per additional screen, compared to more moderate differences in older age groups. Researchers note that the reason for this may be in the flexibility of young children’s eyes, which makes them particularly sensitive to changes caused by prolonged vision effort.

Eye check. Also an hour a day is dangerous for vision (Photo: Shaterstock)

The study also found that exposure to screens is not only an independent risk factor, but it works alongside other environmental factors. One of the key variables found to be affecting the development of vision is little exposure to natural light.

Previous studies have already shown that prolonged recreation outside the home may reduce the risk of abbreviation, probably due to the effect of natural light on the eye structure and visual focus mechanisms. Researchers suggest that a combination of screen time reduction alongside encouraging out -of -home activity may be an effective strategy to reduce the spread of the visual impotence.

Researchers say the findings are worrying in light of the dramatic increase in screens in children and teens. They warn that the visual impairment epidemic is expected to get worse in the coming years, with forecasts that by 2050, almost half of the world’s population will suffer from severity. In light of this, researchers recommend parents and education systems to take steps to reduce children’s screen time, encourage initiated breaks from using screens and increase the exposure of natural light.

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