5 ingredients added coffee to help reduce liver fat

Add lemon juice, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger to black coffee not only adds flavor but also helps reduce fat accumulation in the liver.

Fatty liver is a fat accumulation of 5% of liver weight or more, which can cause many other diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis … Drinking black coffee regularly promotes fat accumulation and limits the risk of progression of fatty liver disease.

Black coffee contains caffeine, which is converted into paraxanthine by the body to slow the development of scar tissue associated with liver fibrosis. Two chemicals in coffee such as Kahweol, Cafestol have the effect of preventing liver cancer, alcoholic cirrhosis, non -alcoholic fatty liver and hepatitis C. Acids in coffee contribute to against hepatitis B virus B. Here are some ingredients that can be added to black coffee to increase benefits.


Fresh lemon juice contains vitamin C antioxidants that support the protection of liver cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. Lemon juice also promotes detoxification because it activates bile liver, decomposition and excreting fat more effectively. You can squeeze a little lemon juice into a black coffee cup to enjoy.


Drinking coffee with cinnamon also supports healthy fat metabolism. It has anti -inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce hepatitis. Cinnamon also adjusts blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity, good for people with fatty liver disease.


Adding a little turmeric to regular black coffee is a way to enjoy healthy drinks. Turmeric provides curcumin reduced hepatitis and oxidation. These are the two main factors that cause fatty liver disease. Turmeric also promotes the detoxification process in the liver, eliminating fat from this organ.


Ginger is resistant to inflammation, good for the digestive system. When put into coffee, it has the ability to stimulate liver function through inhibition of inflammation and enhance fat metabolism. This brings many benefits to people with fatty liver.

Dairy plants extract

Silymarin is an active ingredient in milk thistle, can protect liver cells from damage and maintain a natural detox process. Combining milk thistle extract in coffee contributes to reducing inflammation and increasing liver function for people with fatty liver disease.

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