7 ways to increase the body fat burning rate
Weight loss becomes more efficient with the use of science -based methods such as fasting, adjustable workouts, satisfying sleep and certain foods

A caloric deficit is a basic condition for burning fat in the body, but the world is advanced and in recent years we have been exposed to many methods that have been shown to increase fat burning rate and weight loss, and it is important to be aware of innovations in the field as even in this case – knowledge is power. Here are some of the top science -based approaches that can help speed up the process. But remember – a quality drop will always lean on healthy lifestyle principles, calorie deficit and listening to the body.

  1. Exposure to cold
    Exposure to the cold causes the body to utilize more of the brown fat tissue that produces heat through the burning of calories. Many studies have shown a direct relationship between low temperatures to increase caloric expenditure and it is found that techniques such as cold showers, ice baths or low temperatures exposure can stimulate the use of the same brown fat tissue.
  2. Intermittent fasting
    Eating is limited to defined hours during the day, usually in a window of 8-10 hours, improves body metabolism, as well as insulin sensitivity, allowing for maintaining blood sugar levels and preventing excess fat in fat, and improves caloric consumption management during the day to the desired quantities.
  3. More standing, less sitting
    We are talking quite a bit about replacing the car traveling in the walking, and the staircase elevator, but also the choice of standing in the sitting can bring up to 50 calories more than every hour, which of course amounts to a higher calorie spending at the end of each day.

    It’s time to get up | Photo: By DAFNA A.MERON, Shutterstock


  4. caffeine
    Many studies that examined the relationship between caffeine intake and fat burning indicated that caffeine can increase metabolic rate and fat dismantling. Caffeine consumption before training increases fat burning during activity and decorative consumption in general effective to release the fatty acids into the bloodstream and increase the basic metabolic rate even at rest.

    Before training | Photo: Cliplab, Shutterstock


  5. High -intensity in the morning
    Inputs’ workouts have been shown to be most effective due to their diverse physiological benefits. But it turns out that such training in the morning on an empty stomach (fasting) can increase fat utilization as the main source of energy for the purpose of activity.

    Good morning | Photo: Daniel_dash, Shutterstock


  6. Honor for sleep
    A bad sleep is a source of disruption of the hormonal balance that directly affects the feeling of satiety, and hormones like Patin and Gradu work together to maintain an energetic balance. The German hormone is influenced directly from little sleep, stress and extreme diets – these raise its levels and cause unnecessarily increased hunger. Helifin, the satiety hormone, is mainly produced in fat cells and suppresses the feeling of hunger in a situation where enough energy reservoirs exist in the body. Little sleep can lower the sensitivity to Leptin, which causes unnecessary eating.

    At least 7 hours | Photo: Lia Koltyrina, Shutterstock


  7. Incorporating new foods
    Many foods have an additional contribution to weight loss processes – vinegar may help loss of fat by their sourness and improve insulin function, green tea contains materials that increase metabolic rate and fat burning rate, as well as compounds that are in the pepper cinnamon.

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