Human papilloma virus – much more common than you think
HPV It is a total name for a group of more than 200 types of viruses, which are mainly transmitted to sexual contact. This is such a common infection that 4 out of 5 sexual active people will stick to it at least once during life. Every year, about 13 million Americans are infected with it, making it the most common of sexual contacts in the US and most of the world.
Despite the prevalence, in many cases it is harmless and passed away within a few months, without the infected person even feel it (up to 90 percent of the cases ended like that). However, there are certain varieties of HPV That may remain in the body for years and lead to various diseases, including certain types of cancer. Although the issue has been widely focused on women, the virus can also cause crabs of the pharynx, penis and rectum. Now a new study shows that the papilloma virus can also hurt male fertility – which is critical information for anyone planning to bring children into the world.
What is the rule of study?
In the new study in Argentina, 205 men were recruited at an average of 35 years, some of which turned to examination due to fears of fertility problems and others served as a control group. From the study, men who were vaccinated against HPV In the past, which have undergone surgery to tie the sperm tube (and daterate), or have suffered from known diseases in the sex and urine system.
All participants were asked to provide sperm sampling after 5-3 days of avoiding sex. The samples were tested for the presence of varieties HPV Different, as well as the presence of bacteria or mushrooms that may affect the reproductive system.
The results of the tests showed that 19 percent of the subjects (27 men) were found positive for the papilloma virus. This group was divided into two sub-groups:
- 20 Men infected with high -risk varieties (HR-HPV) – Those known for their ability to cause cancer.
- 7 Men infected with low -risk varieties (LR-HPV) – That are considered at least dangerous.
A control group included 43 men who did not find other pollutants. Researchers examined the quality of sperm, inflammatory markers and presence of free radicals (ROS) – Molecules that can cause cell damage.
How does HPV affect male fertility?
Sperm surgery revealed that no significant differences were found in the amount of sperm or other ordinary metrics, such as motility and sperm. However, in the group of men infected with high -risk varieties (HR-HPV) Was observed a higher level of sperm – That is, more dead sperm cells.
In addition, their seed has been found to have produced a much higher amount of free radicals (ROS) Compared to the control groups. Free radicals are known to cause harm to theDNA Of the cells, and in this case – to damage the sperm. These findings reinforce previous studies that showed that HPV May cause genetic harm to the seed and adversely affect his vitality and ability to violate.
Does that mean that every man infected with HPV Will suffer from fertility problems?
The answer is not necessarily. It is important to understand that the study examined only one sample from each participant, which means that it provided a momentary snapshot. It is still unclear if infection HPV In the seed it is constant, or it passes over time. Also, even if the virus remains in the body, it does not mean that anyone who is infected will necessarily have difficulty getting pregnant with his or her partner.
What is clear is thatHPV May reduce the chance of pregnancy in some men, but do not cause complete disorders. In cases where the virus has been found to affect the ability to get pregnant, there are different ways to overcome the problem, such as:
- Advanced fertilization techniques Like intrauterine sow (IUI) Or lying-to-reinforce (IVF).
- Sperm washing– A process that cleans the sperm from the virus before using fertilization.
- Vaccination against HPV – Studies have shown that vaccine after the infection diagnosis may help raise the virus from the seed and increase the chances of fertilization.
May cause genetic damage to the seed | Photo: Istockphoto
Importance of vaccine for both sexes
Beginning in 2015, the vaccine is offered to boys and girls in eighth grade under the vaccine plan, but in Israel the percentage of vaccinations are not yet provided and reach some places to only 50 percent. In addition, the vaccine enters the latest health basket for men and women up to the age of 26 (inclusive), but the provision will only take effect from September 2025.
>> “We’re just going back ”: Low vaccination rate in cancer prevention
Understanding that HPV Also affecting male health helps to emphasize the importance of vaccination among both men and women. Today, there are vaccines that cover the most dangerous varieties of the virus and have proven very effective in preventing infection and reducing cancer rates and fertility problems caused by the virus. It can be seen clearly that in countries where the percentage of vaccinations were high, there is a decrease in morbidity and mortality, such as Australia, which showed a significant decrease in cancer morbidity caused by the virus thanks to a strict vaccination program and examination.
However, the rates of vaccination among men are still significantly lower than women. This is, among other things, because of a lack of awareness of the influence of the virus on men and long -term focus on women’s risk of developing cervical cancer. But in light of the new findings, it is important to raise awareness and call the general population to be vaccinated, regardless of sex or gender, thereby revolutionizing in Israel. A national program is needed with the support of the Ministry of Health to eradicate papilloma virus in Israel to bring the expected results.
Dr. Roy Zucker is an expert in internal medicine and infectious diseases, Clalit Tel Aviv District and Ichilov Hospital.
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