According to the new regulations, the duty of marking will apply to a wide range of smoking products, including cigarettes, e -cigarettes, hookah and tobacco designed for chewing and peek. In addition to the graphic and verbal warnings, manufacturers will be charged to add Reference to smoking rehab centers Of the Ministry of Health and HMOs.
Between the verbal warnings that will appear on the various smoking products
On e -cigarette products
- The steam emitted from this product contains toxic substances that are harmful to all those around you, especially children
- Medical studies state that exposure to this product during pregnancy impairs fetal development
- Medical studies determine that electronic cigarettes are harmful to heart and health
On tobacco products for chewing and peeking
- The use of this product may increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke
- Medical studies show that this product consumption causes oral cancer, esophageal cancer, throat cancer, tongue cancer and pancreatic cancer
On hookah, hookah parts and tobacco for hookah
- Smoking hookah for an hour is equivalent to a smoke inhalation of 100 cigarettes
- Medical studies state that exposure to this product during pregnancy endangers your fetus
Health Minister Uriel Boso said: “This is another important step to reducing the attractiveness of smoking products, increasing public awareness and preventing the younger generation’s addiction to tobacco and nicotine.” He said, “The smoking epidemic is one of the most serious health dangers and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality that can be prevented.”
The Ministry of Health Director, Moshe Bar Sign Good, emphasized that the move is carried out as part of a more comprehensive plan: “The Ministry of Health promotes significant steps in the field, to reduce the use of electronic cigarettes and to reduce smoking in the State of Israel.” Among the additional steps he noted: raising the taxation and comparing it between the various products, advertising a campaign to raise the cigarette. Sales for minors.
Dr. Sharon Eli Freis, head of the Ministry of Health’s public health division, added that “the move of graphic warnings on smoking products is another step in the war against smoking”, noting that “this step has been proven in the world’s research as a reduction in smoking rates.”
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