Itching skin, anemia, edema, anorexia but weight gain, foam urine are typical signs of weak kidneys.

The kidneys take on the function of dialysis and toxins of the body, forming urine, then transporting out. The weak kidney is when either or both kidneys are impaired and cannot filter well.

BS.CKII Nguyen Thi Hue, Department of Internal kidney – dialysis, urinary – kidney center – male medical, Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, said a healthy kidney can filter a total of about 200 liters of blood, remove waste, excess water and some chemicals. Because of some abnormalities in the body, the kidneys can “poison” themselves or do not dialysis as defensive. When the kidneys stop working, urine is no longer produced, also known as anuria or acute kidney trauma. This condition should be treated by emergency dialysis.

There are many causes of kidney failure such as aging, background diseases (diabetes, hypertension, high blood fat …), smoking, drinking too much alcohol, using kidney toxic drugs such as painkillers, antibiotics, non -prescribing anti -inflammatory anti -inflammatory … Dr. Hue indicates 5 weakened kidney warning signs below.

Foamy urine

The foam in urine is called the urinary protein (proteinuria). The weakened kidney produces abnormalities in the filter structure, causing the protein molecules from the blood to enter the urine, causing foam, protein.


Fatigue, physical weakness, often felt dizzy, eyes, pale is a sign that the patient is anemia. Protein loses protein in the blood and leads to anemia. The higher the higher level of protein, the heavier anemia.


The kidneys can not filter as well as before causing an excess liquid to accumulate in the body, over time causing edema. The initial edema symptom usually appears in limbs including arms, feet, ankles, tubes, backs of the hand … The more serious the kidney function is. The liquid spilled into the lungs of the patient causing pulmonary edema, respiratory failure should be emergency immediately.


Doctor Hue advises the patient. Image: Tam Anh General Hospital

Anorexia, nausea but gain weight fast

When the kidneys weaken, toxins like urea are not excreted from the body, accumulating in the blood increases blood urea, causing discomfort in the stomach, fatigue, nausea, causing the patient to not eat well, leading to anorexia but rapid weight gain. This weight gain phenomenon is due to the fluid accumulated in the body because the dialysis function decreases than usual.

Itchy skin

Waste, excess liquids, toxins, drugs … must not be removed from the body causing itching. Symptoms can affect a certain skin area or body itching, anytime, discomfort, adversely affecting the health and daily life of the patient.

Weak kidneys are serious health problems, slow disease progression, without causing obvious symptoms in the early stages. By the time the patient realized the symptoms, the disease had progressed to a worse stage. Dr. Hue advised the person who found the above signs to go to the medical examination of the kidney – dialysis for timely diagnosis and treatment, slow down the process of progress to severe phase, causing permanent renal function.

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