The doctor warned of risks from a ‘meat’ diet

The doctor warns that Carnivore diet, also known as meat, common in the UK and some Western countries can cause nutritional deficiencies and chronic diseases.

According to the Google results of The Independent Pharmacy, a diet full of meat, fish, eggs, sometimes milk – called “Carnivore” – is at the top of the search list. More than 222,000 people find out information about these menus due to the support of celebrities. Earlier, the host Joe Rogan said he followed the Carnivore mode for better health. In February, he admitted to eating “full meat” within a month causing “intense diarrhea”, but also helped him reduce 5.4 kg.

Dr. Simon Thebalds, a general doctor at Pall Mall Medical, UK, said this diet has some advantages. “This is also known as the type of meat diet, or the carb (No-carb), a diet method that only consumes animal products, eliminating all foods derived from plants,” he explained.

Like the keto diet, Carnivore requires the person to eat only the product of the product containing high levels of animal fat, completely eliminating flour and fiber from vegetables, bread, rice, … The biggest advantage of Carnivore is to provide a complete source of protein (taken from red meat), with all important amino acids, helping to build and repair tissues. It can also increase the amount of iron, especially heme iron, is usually easier to absorb than conventional iron originating from plants. Iron is essential in the process of transporting oxygen into the blood, supporting energy metabolism.

However, Donald Grant, an advisor of The Independent Pharmacy, warned that this diet has more harm than what Rogan shared.

“If you eat ‘carnivore’, people do not use food -origin foods, leading to the problem of absorption, causing nutritional deficiencies. Eating vegetables is the key to obtaining nutrients such as vitamin C, E and K, all necessary for the body,” Grant said.

As a leading general doctor, Dr. Grant explains that carnivore diet may be an increased risk of heart disease or serious cardiovascular complications, such as stroke, due to animal products high in saturated fat. The lack of fiber also affects the intestinal health, disrupting the microbiological system.


Experts warn the diet with meat can cause a variety of chronic diseases. Image: Pexel

The analysis also shows that the ketogenic, or keto diet, ranked second on the search list on Google, with 207,000 monthly searches. This is a low carbohydrate diet, who eats some vegetables, mainly leafy green vegetables, but abstain from sugar, processed foods and starch.

Like “carnivore”, keto mode does not calculate calories. Instead, foods must be rich in fat and have high protein content. This puts the body into ketosis – forcing it to “burn” fat, instead of carbohydrates, to create energy. And this, according to supporters, brings weight loss effect.

However, Grant warned that, although the Keto diet is effective at losing weight and controlling blood sugar, it is difficult to maintain for a long time. It also leads to nutritional deficiencies due to no fiber and antioxidants. People are also more likely to experience Keto flu. These are symptoms that occur when the body is familiar with changes in eating habits. Symptoms include headache, nausea and fatigue. Overall, Keto mode has some positive points, but Dr. Grant does not recommend it to everyone. It removes some important foods that can lead to lack of substance.

According to the latest report, obesity continues to increase globally. Experts predict that more than 75% of adults will be overweight or obese by 2050 if this trend continues.

To solve the problem of weight, Dr. Grant proposed interrupted fasting – the third most concerned diet in The Independent Pharmacy’s report.

Conducing interruption As one of the popular diets that many people have applied in the past few years. This is the term describing the diet and fasting. The method helps the body have enough time to consume food completely, and limit the intake calories.

There are two types of interruption fasting: limiting meals during the day (eating from 6-8 hours and fasting for the rest of 16-18 hours) or fasting continuously within 16 to 24 hours, twice a week.

Different from the famous diet trends, inflated on social networks, fasting is interrupted by many experts, with research on clear benefits. This regime is recommended by some doctors for people with type 2 diabetes, or people who need weight loss.

“Despite the difficulties in the early stages, I believe this is a great method to control weight. It helps to lose weight effectively and control good health, reducing the amount of calories loaded, preventing the risk of Type 2 diabetes,” Dr. Grant said.

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