6 vitamins and minerals needed for the brain

Supplementing with vitamins D, B and minerals like magnesium, zinc often helps the brain to health, enhance memory, prevent dementia.

Mental health is closely related to physical health. Vitamins and supplements have no treatment effect but can support better mental.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D not only helps bones strong but also important to the mood. Many people do not expose enough sunlight to lead to vitamin D. Low vitamin D concentration related to depression and other mental health problems. This vitamin also helps protect the brain from negative effects. In addition to the sun, foods such as salmon, eggs, mushrooms … are rich in vitamin D.


This mineral plays a role in regulating neurotransmitters, helping to transmit messages to the brain and the body. Low magnesium concentrations can affect the quality of sleep, mood, thereby increasing the risk of depression. People can increase the amount of magnesium absorption through foods such as seeds, whole grains.


Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil, fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines, nuts. Omega-3 is important for brain function, supports control of depression and mood disorders, reducing brain vessel spasms. This is a non -saturated fat that brings many benefits to the brain and mental health, good anti -inflammatory support.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B consists of many types such as B1 (Thiamine), B6 ​​(Pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (Cobalamin). These vitamins help provide energy to the brain and maintain hormone balance.

Vitamin B12 and B9 are essential for brain health, participating in regulating mood by promoting the production of good chemicals for the brain. Vitamin B1 helps improve mental state and increase concentration. Low vitamin B12 concentration is associated with depression. Supplementing B vitamins from foods such as eggs, poultry and leafy vegetables is good for the brain.


This essential mineral plays an important role in maintaining brain function and regulating mood. Zinc deficiency may increase symptoms of depression, cause fatigue, anxiety, mood disorders. Because zinc supports the transport of calcium into the brain, zinc deficiency affects this process. Good food rich in zinc should be supplemented with oysters, beef and pumpkin seeds.

By Editor