The new trend: Beef fat for food and grooming – is it really healthy?

He is thick, ceramic, rich in saturated fat, and in recent months has become a star that has emerged on social networks. This is a beef fat – tallow beaf the same solid fat after cooking or boiling beef, which has gained increasing popularity among health and skin care in Ticketok, Instagram and Facebook. Some claim that the fat significantly improves skin texture and prevents acne, while others are confident that it is a healthier alternative to cooking and frying, compared to the usual seed oils.

The trend has gained such momentum that US health secretary, Robert Kennedy Jr., also expressed support for use of cattle fat. During an interview with Fox News Network last week, Kennedy said, navigating the hamburger and fries in the fast food chain “Steak & Shake” that it is a more proper and healthy course compared to cooking in plant oil. Kennedy even claimed the Americans were “poisoned” by consuming ultra-employee foods containing greasy oils. He even published a post on Instagram in the last Thanksgiving holiday in which he shared his followers in the recipe for “India in Beef Fat.”

Despite its rising popularity on social networks, diet and medicine experts claim that cattle fat has no proven health benefits in relation to other oils, and may even be problematic for regular use. They emphasize that cattle fat contains high levels of saturated fat, which may increase blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The problem with seed oils is not the oils themselves but the excessive use of them as part of processed foods, which usually contains large amounts of salt, sugar and preservatives. According to them, cattle fat may be a better alternative compared to particularly processed foods, but it is still considered at least healthy from unanswered vegetable oils such as olive oil or avocado oil. These vegetable oils mainly contain unsaturated fat that is considered to be healthier, while animal fat is rich in saturated fat, which can increase cholesterol levels and increase risk of cardiovascular disease.

One of the prevailing arguments in those promoting cattle fat is the claim that vegetable oils cause inflammation due to an unbalanced ratio of fatty acids. However.

As with any health trend, even in this case the experts emphasize that the key to health is moderating. Excessive consumption of fat, whether it is cattle fat or plant oils, is the one that can cause health damage, including an increase in cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

In the field of cultivation, dermatologists warn that cattle fat has no unique or unusual features compared to other preparations. They explain that, like a luzlin or coconut oil, beef fat can maintain the moisture in the skin, but on the other hand it can also cause acne or worsen existing situations, especially in fatty or sensitive skin. Studies on the subject have failed to prove clearly that cattle fat has any advantage over other cultivation products, and even found that while some people did not appear negative, others had the worsening of existing skin problems.

It is important to remember that not every natural substance is necessarily better for skin or body health. The very fact that a particular product comes from a natural source, such as beef fat, does not guarantee safety or efficiency in cosmetic or nutritional use. Sometimes, “natural” substances may cause allergic reactions or other skin problems.

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