Bananas, butter, apple, papaya, pear rich in soluble fiber, enzyme papain, digestive support, neutralize stomach acid, reduce burning symptoms and discomfort.
Stomach pain can cause many unpleasant symptoms such as burning, nausea or indigestion. Dr. Nguyen Hong Ngoc, Endoscopic Center and Digestive Endoscopic Surgery, Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, advised people to have a stomach pain in the group of fruits rich in fiber, natural enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants because they can reduce symptoms.
Banana Ripe is rich in pectin fiber, which can act as mucus gel in the digestive system, preventing food from rubbing too much into the stomach wall. Bananas contain high content of potassium salt, contributing to partially neutralizing gastric acid, reducing burning sensation in the stomach. This fruit also provides energy for the body to function, avoiding drowsiness and fatigue often when stomach pain.
Papaya Nature of Papain enzymes that support protein gastrointestinal, avoid bloating and indigestion due to stomach pain. Papaya also contains many vitamins A, C and soluble fiber to enhance the health of the stomach lining, reduce inflammation.
Apple The whole shell is a source of abundant soluble pectin fiber. Eat apples directly or steamed to increase the softness because this processing is especially suitable for people with severe stomach pain.
Avocado Rich in unsaturated fat Omega-9, a type of fatty acid with properties of inflammation, supporting the gastric mucosa to recover after damage. The high potassium salt content in butter also contributes to neutralizing gastric acid, improving burning pain.
Avocado has properties to reduce inflammation, support the stomach mucosa to recover quickly after the damage. Image: More than
Watermelon With over 90% of the ingredients are water. As a result, eating watermelon helps neutralize acids in the stomach, soothe a burning sensation, improve heartburn symptoms (if any). Watermelon also contains a lot of lycopene – a powerful antioxidant that can reduce damage, inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Pomegranate Many polyphenols – a group of antioxidants that have been shown to reduce inflammation by inhibiting the formation of inflammatory cytokines, thereby supporting the gastric mucosa to recover and relieve pain.
But Many water, participate in soothing the burning sensation in the stomach, providing the moisture necessary for the mucosa to recover quickly. High content of soluble fiber in pears also enhances digestive function, reduces the pressure on the stomach, creates favorable conditions for the healing process to take place smoothly.
Dr. Ngoc examined the patient. Image: Tam Anh General Hospital
Dragon fruit Provides essential moisture for the mucosa, reducing the acidity in the stomach thanks to abundant water composition. This fruit is soft, easy to digest and safe for the stomach mucosa.
In addition to the fruits to eat, Dr. Ngoc noted that people with stomach pain should not be used as a highly acidic fruit group such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, pineapple, green mango, green fruit because it can stimulate the stomach to produce more acidic, worsen symptoms. The patient does not eat fruit when hungry, sufficient, each time about 80-160 g to avoid putting pressure on the stomach, increasing the risk of pain and bloating.
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