The latest birth data of 2024 presents a fascinating picture: about 134,000 births this year, compared with 131,000 in 2023 and 132,000 in 2022. For the first time, after a continuing decline in the number of children to the family, we are witnessing a trend and an increase in the child. We note that the phenomenon is characterized by Jewish families, while in Arab society it continues a downward trend in birth rates.
The birth trends are still fully clear, as the full demographic data has not yet been published. For example, a full picture must, for example, examine the age distribution in the population, and especially among fertility women – data that is still missing. However, it can be said with the obvious caution: despite the war, reserve, social rift and immigration with the cost of living, the Israelis did not shy away from bringing children to the world – in turn. The hard reality has strengthened many of the desire to expand the family unit, or at least maintain its size.
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Baby Boom is one explanation. Historical, post -wars periods have been characterized by the rise in birth, and this time – even though the war has not yet ended – people seem to choose to bring more children to the world. But this explanation is not satisfying. Even before the war, the birth rate in Israel was unusual in any scale. While, in most Western countries, the birth rate is lower than the minimum assessment required to preserve the population, in Israel the opposite trend. Israel leads not only on Western countries, but also on non-Western countries. In countries like Iran (1.7) and Turkey (1.9) the birth rate is low, but in Israel the number of children to a family is close to three children. And contrary to the image of the profit, this phenomenon is not only the ultra -Orthodox public. Secular and traditional families in Israel also bring more children compared to families in Western countries.
Children is not just statistics. And bringing children is never important for economic and demographic growth. The belief in bringing children into the world reflects the strength of the family unit, which contributes to the stability, joy and happiness of the individual. Indeed, in every international comparison, Israel stands out as a family state with a high percentage of families and a low rate of children born outside a stable framework. When you look at this data, you can understand how Israel stars at the top of the world’s happy countries. After all, happiness is not just a momentary emotion, but the result of family, social involvement and solidarity, which give a sense of meaning and security in difficult times.
A company with stable families and children, is a stronger and more cohesive company. The story of the Deputy President of the United States, Jay Di Vance, illustrates it well. We recently became acquainted with the tough side of Vice President as a public reproach in the Ukraine President, but behind his stiff appearance is a difficult personal story. In his autobiographical book (Hillbilly Electy) and raply described his childhood in a decomposed American family. The book that became a bestseller and the film presented a bleak picture of the poor white community in the US-unemployment, alcoholism, social deterioration and high mortality. Based on his personal experience, Vance claimed that the family is the anchor for personal and social resilience.
Not everything is pink. Alongside the encouraging birth data, there are also alarming trends like the number of leaving Israel. Whatever many of the children born in Israel, especially in ultra -Orthodox and Arab society, do not receive sufficient education. These children grow in sectors who do not carry evenly in the security and economic burden. And yet, do not let the oppressive daily news and not the talkbacks below break your spirit. When it seemed that everything was going to us, it turned out that Israelis became the creator and chose to bring more children into the world. The choice of many Israelis to bring children into the world proves that the phrase “live with live Israel” is much more than a password. The Israelis believe in life, and want to continue to give life.
Dr. Nathaniel Fisher is the head of the Department of Public Policy, Science Gates and Law.
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